Reviews for Alex
Blissful Winter chapter 6 . 10/21/2012
Thanks for the A/N, it helped clear a little bit up since I always forget things in the time between updates! Very good chapter, I like hearing from Jack's point of view. I found that I especially enjoyed the part where she met Ian. Thank you for the update!
J'aime lire chapter 5 . 8/27/2012
uhhhhhhh... I totally lost track of what is happening... Somehow Alex excaped but Jack wasn't happy to see him... then I'm not sure.. It is really hard to understand... was their supposed to be a page break there?
eyescold chapter 5 . 8/27/2012
This is a really amazing story you've got going here. I like your Alex and how you've handled the happenings of the book in your own intriguing way. The way you write it it doesn't seem unbelievable and I think you really achieve to make an impression of Alex as more human. The fact that he isn't perfect and does show signs of negative qualities only make me like him more.
Eagerly awaiting your next update. :)
Blissful Winter chapter 5 . 8/26/2012
Again, a very interesting chapter! Quite unlike anything I've read here, but after reading so much fanfic, uniqueness is so refreshing! A drugged Mrs. Jones is a rather funny concept, I definitely like your Alex. Thank you for the wonderful update!
Um. . .someone chapter 4 . 7/23/2012
Great story! Really love your Alex, looking forward to what happens next :)
AnarchistMongoose chapter 4 . 6/27/2012
Yay! New chapter! And, wow, was this one intense! Ooh, I've read Guantanamo Boy! Lol, the equation about the internet is so true, my dad's always saying that people think that the internet is a safe place to write whatever you want no matter who it offends, but you can actually get arrested for things you write on the internet.

Your knowledge of literature and law is making me feel inadequate and stupid, so I'm going to go teach myself morse code now :D.

Location of the prison? Damn, I have no idea. Somewhere in the home counties? Or Wales or Cornwall or Devon or somewhere in the middle of nowhere? Idk, might be London. There's some seriously dodgy places near my dad's house.
Blissful Winter chapter 4 . 6/26/2012
Very interesting chapter, definitely not what I expected. I liked it though, and I'm curious as to what will happen to Alex when he gets out.
you-noia chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
Wow. This is officially one of the most well-written stories I've read on this entire site... then again, I haven't really explored much other than Alex Rider and the Takers movie but no, really, I commend you!

Though I haven't read all 3 of your chapters, I'll say I was impressed not even halfway through the first. I love your vocabulary and the mature kind of tone I hear while I read.

Thank you for writing and I think you'll be a great example for why I should push myself to become a better writer (a good thing, no worries!) keep it up(:

Blissful Winter chapter 3 . 6/2/2012
Excellent chapter, very detailed and exciting. I liked the bits about the bank especially, they're something many people neglect to include. I'm very excited to read more. Also, thank you for writing such long chapters! I'm such a sucker for lengthy stories.
Blissful Winter chapter 2 . 6/2/2012
I don't think you're too wordy at all! Your writing style unique, which is quite refreshing to see when you read as much Alex Rider fanfic as I do. Lovely chapter, definitely holds my interest.
Blissful Winter chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
I started reading this story today, and I really like it so far. It's hard to believe that Alex wouldn't have the slightest suspicion about Ian's occupation after living with him for a decade, so I'm glad your Alex actually has a brain.
TomC chapter 3 . 6/2/2012
Very nice. I look forward to the next installment.
Goldilocks Ate The Three Bears chapter 1 . 5/17/2012
This story is great! (I wouldn't have reviewed because I'm quite lazy ,but I'm too lazy to call up my German friend to translate things.) Any way, it's very creative and update soon?