Reviews for Forces Collide
WickedBlue chapter 14 . 10/2/2017
That was so good. I really enjoyed the dynamics between Jake, Sari, and Ryan and all the secrecy. Would love to read a sequel. Although, maybe with a bit more focus on Jake? :-)
hanna277 chapter 14 . 4/12/2016
update please I have haste of read the after
Shadowflame77 chapter 11 . 9/28/2012
Its nice how you go along with the original story and then add your own Characters into it... :)

And I enjoyed especially the part with Eric remembering his childhood with Sari and Jake!

Oh-oh... so Sari had to tidy up behind Jake in Saffa? And saved him from being a scapegoat? Nice one...

I hope that more of that background story will shine through in your story!

Thanks for updating, I enjoyed the ride!
Shadowflame chapter 10 . 7/19/2012
Ok, I'm intrigued... ;) Your own characters of Sari and Ryan are interesting, let's see where you will take us... and I'm glad that Jake still is the hero... and met Heather...

Oh, and those flashbacks are nice!


I'm waiting (im)patiently for your next post!
2merryann chapter 10 . 7/10/2012
Everyone has secrets!

Interesting chapter.

Looking forward to more!
2merryann chapter 9 . 6/30/2012
Very nice. A little Hawkins interaction, Gail & April, a foreshadowing of things to come. I like it!
2merryann chapter 6 . 5/31/2012
Interesting how Sari & Heather are being woven together. Will Jake be romantically interested in Sari? Or Heather? Or Emily, I guess . . .?
madmedjenna chapter 6 . 5/29/2012
Back again for a review. So glad you are updating so regularly, its great to have something to look forward too after work ;) Also, after the last chapter you had me a bit worried that Sari would "steal" all of Jakes awesomeness with the whole bus situation but I think you managed this chapter very well. Jakes not the only hero here obviously but he isnt just along for the ride as well. Thanks for that. Just please dont let Sari be great with everything, I would love for Jake to be the one she needs to rely on every now and then. Also, will you get a bit into their backgrounds? Flashbacks to his time whereever was one of the things I missed from the show. Id love for you to write about his time in the war, maybe not only driving a truck like they told us in the show. I could defenitely see him as some kind of merc. Thanks again for writing this.
2merryann chapter 5 . 5/26/2012
Interesting! It's all starting to come together.

I don't think any other piece of fan fiction has explained how Jimmy & Bill come to be in the trunk of their own can.

Looking forward to more!
murphy9202 chapter 4 . 5/23/2012
I like the story so far. Haven't read a good Jericho story in a while.
madmedjenna chapter 3 . 5/22/2012
Cliffhanger! Please update soon! Im always on the look out for good Jericho stories and they are hard to come by these days. But I love the show and I really like your story so far. Your writing is really good and its easy to combine whats really happened with your newly created characters. It just fits so please update! Ill be reading for sure