Reviews for Champion's Lullaby
Just another other weirdo chapter 12 . 4/23
my new Instagram bio will beawkward teenager with no sense of tact? '
Tetradical chapter 28 . 2/19
DustyQOTF chapter 28 . 1/28
I know its been a few years but I would love to see more of the story I like how they all refer to each other mentally as boyfriends even if they arent at that stage of the relationship yet. I do also want to see how Carol confronts Burt on why Kurt didn't want to come back
SapphireKageKyuura chapter 4 . 7/26/2019
Hmm... so far I'm liking it. But the chapter titles are really weird lol but in a good way.
ryu akai chapter 28 . 5/10/2019
I really love this history! Love love love!
Update please
Upppppp Update upppppp Update upppppp
Guest chapter 28 . 3/13/2019
Plz update
rell chapter 28 . 12/28/2018
I dont often read glee, but I am enjoying the effort you put into your story.
Lizzie Snape-Malfoy chapter 1 . 11/21/2018
Oh I love this story ! It's not what I usually read but it's just so funny without being over the top. Their relationship is just to cute and I love the way you balance humor and emotional things. I really hope you're going to continue posting it !
Hkcutiepie1352 chapter 28 . 9/12/2018
Love this fanfic. It’s my first Harry Potter/glee and it’s amazing. I know you might get this a lot and it has been three years give or take but you should totally update it. I couldn’t put it down when I started. Thanks so much for creating it
anonymous chapter 28 . 8/15/2018
I want you to know you are an ASSHOLE for not continuing the best harry potter/ glee crossover i have seen. A part of me has died knowing that this story is not likely to be continued. (sarcastic voice) THANKS for crushing my soul you MONSTER.
KilometersbutAmerican chapter 28 . 5/18/2018
This story is wonderful. Everything seems so real, like it was legitimately pulled from someone’s life. It’s sad and funny and sweet and so much more! I can’t wait for the next wonderful chapter Darlin!
Guest chapter 28 . 3/24/2018
Plz update soon
blazeunoriginals chapter 8 . 3/20/2018
I absolutely love this. I read because I've never read a Blaine/Harry/Kurt story, but now I can't because of how you portrayed Blaine in this story. I mean, I obviously wasn't expecting some 'Hey, I love you and him too! let's all get together and have a threesome' sort of thing, I wouldn't touch that with a 46 inch pole, and despite how realistic their feelings are, I just can't. I also don't like how Harry slept around before Kurt. I emotionally understand why, but I love 'giving our virginity to each other' stories, so much that I'm afraid I've gotten too used to them. And I read a review...which says that Kurt cheats. And that immediately turned me away. Especially as Harry says that 'Relationships are about trust'...
BUT! The humor is WONDERFUL and made me laugh myself silly. Your writing style puts everything in pace. I couldn't imagine Harry playing fencing before I read this story, and now that I have, I think the idea is amazing. The friendship between Harry and his friends are so sweet, you can just see the whole 'Us against the world' tone there, and it makes me yearn it so bad.
I'm not saying this story isn't bad, because it isn't, but its just not my style anymore. Yeah? Keep writing, because you're absolutely lovely.
Werewolf Mistress chapter 28 . 12/14/2017
Absolutely love this story, your an amazing writer, hope you continue with this brilliant piece of work and update chapter 29 soon.
gilmorekitten chapter 12 . 12/2/2017
"What do you mean why? Because I'm talking to a complete stranger!"
I honestly don't read many crossovers for HP or Glee but I love yours so much! It's hilarious!
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