Reviews for To Be Champion
TrueLightHikari chapter 4 . 11/30/2014
I really hope you update but since its already 2014... D:
PokemonFangirl chapter 2 . 11/18/2014
LOLOLOLOL, she really thought he was proposing to her? I never really thought of Steven as witty and sarcastic before, maybe it's a new look for him!
SimplementeJA chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
I'm sad just because i see the date of last chapter and I'm not sure if you will keep writing. I think that you have made an awesome job with this story, telling the past of my 2 favourite pokemon characters. Please continue writing, you are good.
Princess Unikitty chapter 4 . 10/31/2013
very cool story so far. keep it up.
eclaircir chapter 4 . 3/3/2013
Aww, it hasn't been updated in a long time! I honestly love every part of this story-even the long descriptions. I guess I'm the type to like detail since it helps me to picture how the universe looks like but yeah...that's my opinion.
The battle scenes were really good and I really liked the twist where the petal dance move scooped up the grasswhistle notes and hit the dratini-super cool!
And the characters...i love every aspect of them. Most stories depict Cynthia as this aloof, professional person, but i like that she's initially portrayed as somewhat awkward. And Steven too. He's adorkable. Cynthia's adorable too. And they're both adorable together haha i love blacksteelshipping.
Your sense of humor is awesome too.
If you can at anytime, update soon, even if it's a little!
tireswithspares chapter 4 . 12/26/2012
LOVE IT3 Update soon you have so much talent I love this pairing :)
PokeKid 25 chapter 4 . 12/4/2012
Awesome! I think this is the best Cynthia backstory story (if you know what I mean) I have ever read! I like how you mix the anime and game to make it more realistic. Cynthia sort of reminds me of Ash's journey, when he was a newbie and Brock and Misty needs to explain everything. Which I must say, makes me feel as if something like this could really happen (if Nintendo ever decides to give Cynthia more backstory than ice-cream loving) and I love how each chapter is full of surprises. Keep up the great work and update soon :D
asedxrcfygbhunjim chapter 4 . 10/6/2012
This is a quite good fic, but I have one complaint. Every time you said duel you meant dual.
DontEvenTry chapter 3 . 9/4/2012
Yes, you absolutely should continue this wonderful story! I personally hope that Cynthia ends up with Steven, but the story itself is fantastic. An extended story with my current obsession was what I was looking for, an do not doubt that I will be hanging on edge for updates!
clairesque chapter 4 . 8/21/2012
Holy crap, that's your first time writing a battle scene? That's awesome. I couldn't have guessed that there was your first battle scene; I can sense Cynthia's going to end up using unorthodox strategies whenever she's in a bind. You've been doing great with the story so far; the only thing that bug me is using Cynthia's Jap name as her surname, but that really just personal opinion. A lot of writers do that, I think. I'm also kind of confused if Sasori is giving them his real name, or just his surname, since it's Japanese...

Hm. Gible better pound that guy's as$ (not that I don't trust her to, because I do). Go, go, GO, girl!
Serenade Of Water chapter 4 . 8/3/2012
Blacksteelshipping FTW. I love your battle scenes. It's kind of reminds of Ash's Pokemon battles in Arceus-master's fics. That little argument between the two future Champions was so funny. Although its kind of amusing that Cynthia seems to be the only one capable to make the Solrock-faced Steven smile or laugh. Hahahaha, Irony at it's best with Sasori and Cyn calling him gay was the cherry on top of the sundae. I bursted out laughing when I read that part. So is the Roselia the Budew she took care of? And seriously, from now on, every next person they are meeting are going to mistake Steven and Cynthia as boyfriend and girlfriend after all, the Team Galatic Grunt as well as Sasori thought that.
Serenade Of Water chapter 3 . 8/3/2012
No, this chapter wasn't boring at all. The banter between Cynthia and Steven is just so funny but my favorite part must be everything from Professor Rowan monologue about Cynthia listening to the young handsome man and not the old experienced one or Gible's adorableness or the parts with Steven and Cynthia. So yeah, I'm loving this story so much.
Serenade Of Water chapter 2 . 8/3/2012
For the love of Arceus, why did this chapter have to end? STEVEN STONE, my favorite Pokemon character just came in. Please pair him up with Cynthia and did I tell you that I simply love the personality you gave him? His ramblings about stones and that little moment where Cynthia thought he was proposing, hilarious, especially since they met only a few hours ago. But i love everything in the chapter.
Serenade Of Water chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
Oh my gods! This is so good. I love Cynthia's personality in this origin fic and how she met Gible is so interesting. Hmmm, it seems she doesn't know a lot of things about trainers and and everything but oh well, it's still awesome
xtaffyrin chapter 4 . 7/29/2012
I really love your story! Especially how it's focusing on two and possibly three of my favorite characters 3
I can't wait when Cynthia and Steven meet Riley ()! Well, since it /might/ be rukarioshipping that could mean that Riley might travel with them sidfhofdshoiw
It also makes me wonde if Riley gave Cynthia an egg as well. If that's how she got her Lucario, but I'll have to wait and see!8'D
I really love Steven and Cynthia's pesonalities, Steven rambling about stones,PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING

I am sorry about my awkard review, I don't review very much orz
But I hope you update soon! o/
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