Reviews for In the Nile's Emerald Depths
Sarah chapter 11 . 2/14/2018
I know it's been ages since you wrote this story - and this really is a regrettably dead fandom these days, but I just wanted to say that, having stumbled across it by accident, I ended up devouring the whole in one sitting. It's lovely, well-researched and beautifully characterised! Your writing is lovely, and the plot was truly enjoyable.
Natasha Fabbri chapter 11 . 12/11/2017
Absolutely in incredible! You’re very talented!
WingsOfJustice chapter 11 . 1/17/2016
is there a Sequel? PLEASEEEEE
WingsOfJustice chapter 10 . 1/17/2016
I love in detail you have went and not made imhotep the bad guy ive been looking for story like this for ages...thank you! Its so good honestly its one of the best mummy fanfics i have read.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/20/2015
Loved this! I've not read anything like this and I found it beautifully written and wee worth the read.
dr. kitten chapter 11 . 3/1/2015
What a great little story! Thank God someone decided to write some quality Imhotep ... I'm sorry this got so few reviews while you were writing it, and I'm not sure if you're still checking, but I'd like to commend you anyway. Haha, Imhotep sure has a lot to catch up on! It's gonna take him a while ... :)
ivegotpurple chapter 11 . 1/16/2015
So I read this before the Avengers story and I forgot to review. But I'm here now, which is what counts, right? This story was intriguing. I've never read a story based in "The Mummy" verse, nor did I ever think I'd want to. But this was short-ish, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It was pretty interesting. Leora/Masika are not my favourite of your characters (so far it's Tati in front, followed by Alya, and last is Leora/Masika) but she was still a solid character. I like how different you make your OCs, and how they each have distinct personalities which match the people you pair off with them. You make them very believable. I thought it was a sign of their love that Masika wouldn't let Imhotep revive her, and the part of her death and Imhotep's suffering was very sad. I can't say that I liked Imhoptep's scheming in the beginning, it was kinda creepy tbh, and it seems a bit like he took advantage of her. Especially with him rushing her into the marriage. And while we know what happens with him, it was a bit strange to see Imhotep go totally 180 after her death, and fall for Anck-Su-Namun. Although, I will concede that grief does strange things to people, so I'm not too torn up about it. You might have expanded on that part a bit more, but I also enjoyed the shortness of this, which you may not have achieved if you delved into that more. Overall it was a good story, and I'm going to find something else you've written now, lol!
Domino2 chapter 11 . 6/23/2014
I loved it, are you going to write a secuel? I liked the fact that you didn't have Leora fall like straight in love with him or back in love i should say ;-) I'd love to write a real long review highlighting all it's good points but there was lots of things i liked but i don't see the point in trying to comment about all of them, I liked the characters and the fact that it was like new story and breafly mentained the films, my only thought were that Imhotep was supposed to have fallen into that pit thing in the Mummy two so technically his corpse wouldn't be there, unless your discounting that ending ;-P I like Imhotep it's a shame he never really got good ending (saying that he brought it all himself by going after the scorpion king)I think i'd just like to know what his ending was in this one :-)
akephtamun chapter 11 . 5/15/2014
akephtamun chapter 6 . 5/15/2014
Oh my god i was so close to crying aaaaah i love this but it's ripping my heart out!
live-in-Tardis chapter 11 . 2/27/2014
I enjoyed reading every chapter.i feel a little sad when it ends.I'm hoping for a little more of Imhotep's life in the morden world,what would happen to him,what if he met his enimies again? ...Well,perhaps you would never seen this review,it has been two years since you wrote this fiction, I wish to tell you that you wave the words beautifully!
I just have a thought , by any miracle,you could continue this story , write what would happen if Ihmotep came to the morden world the third time...well,it is just a dreamy fantacy,you probably never want to continue since it already ended.
live-in-Tardis chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
It take me years to find a good story like this.i love it !
Ananiliax chapter 11 . 1/30/2013
I've never reviewed a story, ever. This story was beautiful; I'm just so sad that it's over!
Guest chapter 8 . 1/1/2013
lyked IT but couldnt it go any futher
Guest chapter 11 . 8/22/2012
Honestly, I am so surprised you have more chapters than you do reviews. Despite it being a short story, it seemed so much longer because of the way you wrote. I really enjoyed reading this and I hope you produce more works like this soon :)
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