Reviews for Deal Breaker
Guest chapter 12 . 6/28
Très joli histoire
Guest chapter 9 . 6/28
Propose lui de rester elle n attend que ça lol
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28
Il va lui prendre l enfant alors enfin c le plan initial j imagine
ladybugsmomma chapter 12 . 6/29/2015
That was so sweet!
jamie.wan.kenobi chapter 2 . 6/6/2015
awww she appreciates him for the fact he's not Gaston.
Targaryens4thewin chapter 12 . 12/29/2013
I just read this, I have just started reading fanfics so I'm reading old ones I know. I really loved this one too. I read your "Insatiable" last week and just finished reading this one, you are awesome at writing these rumbelle fanfics, they are incredibly entertaining. I don't know if you're still a once/rumbelle fan, but if you are you should totally write another one if you had time. I would definitely follow it. I have really been looking for a rumbelle fanfic that has a happy ending from where the show just dropped off, after rumple "dies" (I hope he is not dead for real or I will die inside), you are very creative and your story would probably be the best. just a thought :) Peace!
RomanticLover1 chapter 12 . 4/8/2013
I really want a sequel to this, though it doesn't need one. Maybe a bigger epilogue?
Who cares!
The story was Great.
Ladii Emelia chapter 12 . 11/28/2012
Interesting and enjoyable story.
Zoe Christy chapter 12 . 10/21/2012
sweet 3
please write a sequel or epilogue :)
Ashe Neff chapter 12 . 9/21/2012
This story was quite amazing. i will say there were bits that seemed a bit out of character, but then it is a fanfiction, and the presence of Regina is null so he wouldn't have a reason to feircly guard his power anymore.

That said, this is the first tiem ive sat and red a fanfiction all the way through. Good job, Dearie.
highlyillogical chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
I've just read a few of your stories and I love love love the way you write these two characters, especially Rumplestiltskin. I think you have an excellent grasp on his character. I feel like I understand him better after I read you stories. And you make it hard to stay angry at him for some of the wreckless things he does. lol I think you are a great writer. Nevermind people who bitch about spelling errors. I say if you are fine it with, leave it. They don't bother me one bit and I actually find it kind of charming.

Oh and I love how you have dark elements to your stories I really enjoy it. And the sex scenes are always super hot. :)

Oh and being a LOST fan, it was not hard to picture Belle pregnant. hee hee And it would have been funny if they named him Aaron. XD Also, I'm glad nowhere in the story did she say, "They're trying to hurt my baby!" That line has been burned into my skull. LOST fans will know what I am talking about!
Skulduggerys-Girl-Valkyrie chapter 12 . 9/10/2012
It was a lovely story. I loved it so. You did a wonderful job :)
JapanGoddess chapter 2 . 7/31/2012
I've read only as far as chapter 2, the story is good, as is the premise, but please, please, get a beta reader or at least spell check, the errors are very distracting from the story. English isn't my first language and even I notice this errors.
It would also help to separate portions of the story like Rumpelstinskin POV. Just my 2 cents.
Kellyann211 chapter 12 . 7/4/2012
One of my fav stories.
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