Reviews for Checks and Balances
Roruna chapter 5 . 6/5/2015
ok, that was amazing!
FlowerPrincessoftheUniverse chapter 5 . 12/8/2014
Woah! What a story! A splendid twist to Sigyn's personality and the entire wedding, an enthralling tale of trickery and intrigue, and a stunner of an epilogue! Kudos to you!
schaeffercifer chapter 5 . 11/21/2013
wait so were they Loki's children or...?
anyways, this was really good. followed and favorited :)
JannaKalderash chapter 5 . 6/9/2013

NICE! I like it!

This story was excellent.
TheCreature chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
I love your story but I was just going to correct you on something you wrote in your summary. In Norse Mythology, Loki's wife Sigyn was only mentioned five times and none of these times ever told of her being betrothed to another man besides Loki. Theoric is purely a Marvel Comics creation, not one of those from the original Old Scandinavian tales.
morbidly-funny chapter 5 . 8/2/2012
Oh I hope that was not the end! I want to know about the baby's!
Shadowlark71 chapter 5 . 7/27/2012
This was amazing. A wonderful take on the whole Theoric business. I really liked the characterizations of Loki and Sigyn was strong, yet caring. I only wish there was a sequel.
kanemi chapter 5 . 7/14/2012
Excellent story by itself, but in the greater mythology, it raises some interesting questions. How is Sigyn's debt repaid? Is it through standing by Loki with her bowl as venom is dripped into his eyes? If so, that certainly puts Sigyn's defining action in the mythology, and her defining trait of loyalty, into a completely different light. Furthermore, if we are assuming that the mythologies are a distorted version of what is known, Loki and Sigyn's actions should eventually become well-known, whether through their son's physical characteristics or some other means. It makes me wonder what sorts of reprisals will come about, both from Odin and from Theoric's relatives. Finally, limiting the scope to your stories, is this connected with the other stories that you have written? If so, it seems strange that they would appoint Sigyn advocate for the prosecution when she has had a child with the defendant. Of course, this assumes that their activities have become known.

All in all, good story and I look forward to future stories from you.
SailorVeegan chapter 5 . 6/9/2012
I'm saddened to see it end like this but it has been a beautiful journey. Of course he comes home to find children. Could any amount of fangirling convince you to give us a little more? Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope to see more LxS from you in the future. You are very talented!
SailorVeegan chapter 4 . 6/9/2012
My heart sank with his being sent away. "She had become so used to considering Theoric as Loki that when the bear charged his horse the high scream that left her mouth was completely involuntary." I am in love with this concept. It fits so perfectly with their journey. Of course her first thought was that it was Loki. & their Rings...3
SailorVeegan chapter 3 . 6/9/2012
All the things left unsaid leaves me clawing for more...but I'm satisfied. You've held the right balance when it comes to what is spoken between them. I'm just always wanting more. :P & his unwavering commitment to keeping her safe makes me swoon.
SailorVeegan chapter 2 . 6/9/2012
Her heart for him in his chapter was beautiful. They are so entangled with each other & don't even realize the depth of it. I love their coming together.
SailorVeegan chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
I am absolutely in love with this story. Please know that a review of every chapter is about to come your way. lol First, I do kind of wish this had an M rating...just to have a little more detail & closeness for certain parts. Nothing to graphic though. It happens though & did not take away from my sheer enjoyment of this wonderfully well written story. It's so difficult to find a multi-chapter SxL story so I always squee when I find one. I hope to see more from you!

I love his readiness to come to her aid. & I absolutely love how he managed to keep things light ("And I would not be so stupid to tempt you to kill another." Brilliant line!)
virginger chapter 5 . 6/6/2012
The Pearl Maiden chapter 5 . 6/5/2012
Perfect ending I must say. Loki coming home to twins he didn't know he had? Of course. I'm guessing they were Vali and Nari? Cute. :)

Interesting take on the myth! Very creative! :)
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