Reviews for A Bitter Goodbye
FaithfulAizen chapter 2 . 4/16/2014
Ah so beautiful T_T you wrote a beautiful tear jerkerr
Guest chapter 2 . 7/6/2012
Well I was expecting a suicide actually.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
U know how to make people cry ne! T_T T_T T_T
LordxxAxelxxLover chapter 2 . 6/29/2012

Not much more I can say.
Insanityispartofthejob chapter 2 . 5/27/2012
I loved both endings -though the second is more in my favor-. If it's no trouble could you please upload the really not happy ending (I forgot what you called it). Please?
Ultimate Anime Fan chapter 2 . 5/26/2012
I believe this "happy, romantic, sad-but-still-counted-as-happy-because-it's-better-than-the-other-ending end" is waaaaaaaaaaaay better than the other one.
Vanamo chapter 2 . 5/26/2012
I challenge you to write the worse ending!
Lilytaiba chapter 2 . 5/25/2012
Oh no! It seems I came late U_U (if still posible please, wanna see the other ending, please). It was a sad story, but very well written, I need to know more, what happened next? ;_;
SakuraCat96 chapter 2 . 5/25/2012
I love this fic, with all of its depressing angsty goodness. And as much as I think I'm going to regret this... would you please upload the not-so-happy ending?