Reviews for Are You Sure?
BrownEyesAngel chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
I had expected for it to be revealed in the game that they were siblings...
Related chapter 1 . 2/2/2017
I too think they are related for the exact same reasons
ArcaneMaverick chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
I'm sad that this didn't go anywhere. I guess it was supposed to be funny, but there was no jokes or anything. It was just "Hey, they have blue hair and might be related." That's it. I just rewrote your fic.
Nevergonnafindme chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
i always thought that she and fayt was related. I mean same hair and eye color...
EnchantedRealmsFiction chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Nice little piece. Short and to the point.

This is actually something that I'm sure a lot of fans are very curious about, the whole Fayt/Maria sibling status. It is as Sophia, in the story, noted, they look a lot alike. I, however, point out that it isn't necessarily possible.

1 - When it comes to the notion of adoption, I've found myself asking why the Leingods would pick one child over the other. Robert said, in the moments before his death, that he and Ryoko always wanted a child. He never specified that they wanted a son or a daughter, just a child. It does become a question why one child over the other? Why not give Fayt up for adoption and keep Maria?

2 - Maria has a crush on Fayt. She doesn't come out and say it, but it's in her actions. In fact, depending on how you play out the Private Actions, you can earn enough affinity points for Fayt on Maria's part and view the Fayt/Maria ending where she does admit she's found someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with (Fayt). You can view the Fayt/Maria ending on youtube (which is where I saw it). If they were siblings, she wouldn't have a crush on him. It'd be the one other thing she'd tell him.

Just my thoughts.
OROgoldenpair1 chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
AWW I wanted to see what would happen! :O That was interesting, funny too :D I would seriously see that happening. That'd be cool if that was to be revealed...
Officer Hotpants chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
Yeah, we all ask this question. Especially after getting the Fayt/Maria ending. Honestly... I think it just makes it hotter. Fun fact: admitting that is a very effective way of alienating friends you don't care to have. And... friends you'd have preferred to keep...

Nice work.