Reviews for Lone Star and Union Jack
Nezclaw chapter 7 . 4/24/2018
Oh Mike... you just can't give up on the little guy can ya?
Nezclaw chapter 6 . 4/24/2018
Awwww 3

They're just a perfect fit for each other, aren't they? Mike and Davy and Peter and Micky... wait'll they discover just how well Mike and Micky harmonize together! and Mike, yep, being all paternal toward Davy even though he wanted to avoid that...
Nezclaw chapter 5 . 4/24/2018
"Because I can." Yeah that sounds about right for him XD
And now Shenanigans Ensue!
Nezclaw chapter 4 . 4/24/2018
Nezclaw chapter 3 . 4/24/2018
These fucking nerds...
Nezclaw chapter 2 . 4/24/2018
And we thought Peter's cooking was bad... Man Micky is gonna have a FIT if he ever hears about this. ("You two did what?" *breaks down in laughter* "Man and I thought it was Peter that..." *more laughter*)
Nezclaw chapter 1 . 4/24/2018
Nice! I still think there's gonna be a lot of butting heads, because Mike is definitely gonna start showing his paternal streak (even if he doesn't realize it) and Davy will resent that.
BohemianBeatle chapter 19 . 2/11/2017
It's me, from ao3
Maybe this one story is the one i like the most so far from you :)
Will you write more of this?
Guest chapter 19 . 7/12/2016
I just found this series and loved all the stories. Mike and Davy are my favorites, so it was a perfect fit. Thanks for the stories.
Maureen chapter 19 . 6/18/2015
Considering the movies Micky probably watches, I think I'd be scared even if the one in question WASN'T adapted from an Agatha Christie book.

Nice little vignette. Looking forward to more!
Samantha chapter 3 . 1/29/2015
One of the most heartwarming of the bunch - and, consequently, one of my favorites.

I was watching "Monkees A La Carte" this evening, and I noticed Mike and Davy playing tic tac toe a number of times. It kind of made me wonder if they had a history of playing it. Could you do something with that?
GirlishTheMarvelous chapter 18 . 8/24/2013
I love this story collection! It's so sweet, and it's clear that you are a true Monkees fan. :) (It is also extremely clear that you are a Whovian. Nice references!) Keep updating, please!
Cynic Du Jour chapter 1 . 8/18/2013
I know I'm posting this as a review for chapter 1, but it's really intended as a review for them all! You're a really great writer, and like another reviewer said, the way you tie in 2 completely different time periods is really clever. Like, how one of them will do something for the other, and it gets returned later. That's abso-freaking-lutely fantastic.

Also, round of applause for characterization. You really have down Mike and Davy, and all their mannerisms, moods and such. Plus, you're not butchering Brit Speak or the Texan Drawl- which takes some skills. I've seen a lot of fics over or under-do the accents, but you seem to have struck a pleasant balance. It's noticeable that they're speaking differently from one another and the rest of the characters, but the sentence structure and slang use doesn't mess with the dialogue flow at all.

You also have Micky and Peter well-written too. Completely believable; I can totally see all of their antics happening. And I also enjoy that you incorporate them without taking away from the main action.

And, finally, I do enjoy how you reference previous chapters and incorporate episode events without making things hard to understand. I love the vignette storytelling that you're using, and the 4 part miniseries in the middle provided a nice touch of suspense. Took you out of the literary rut you were about to fall into, so to speak. I could barely stand to read all the boys leaving one another though! Of course, it all worked out in the end, but still! And anyway, that's the mark of a good writer- getting the readers to emphasize with the characters.

That being said- I'd like to ask you, why exactly does Mike live with his Aunt Kate? You already covered why Davy lives with his grandfather with the business about the 'accident', but I still find myself wondering why Kate would have raised Mike from his youth (like you've made it seem like she has) instead of his parents. And it would also possibly explain why Mike has never made a mention of either biological parent. And what became of Kate's husband, or Davy's grandmother? And since you mentioned Davy's sisters- how about the other Joneses?
CircleSky chapter 8 . 8/7/2013
Pizza bandits! Great!
CircleSky chapter 6 . 8/6/2013
Cute story of how they got together!
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