Reviews for She Stitched the Stars 'N Stripes
Iron7King chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
S.H.E.I.L.D. Does that's who.
I totally get your point I mean seriously the serum made him more buff and immune to sickness and other stuff that I forgot, so yeah duh, you put assassins in Dat stuff not soldiers.
Rittanicus chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Thank you! I agree about the costume, and thought his uniform from the 2011 movie was much better. Great work, and I would love to read more.
MyLadyLorna chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
Awesome, this is awesome! You perfectly captured all the characters. I especially loved the match between Hawkeye and Black Widow. Your Captain American feels incredibly genuine. You have a huge thumbs up!
Dread Guy chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
I think it was agent coulson's idea to have captain America's suit look like that since he was such a fanboy and he did state in the movie that sometimes people need a symbol to look up to. I'd it practical? Hell no! But it is symbolic. Again I liked the team dynamic of this one shot and how you gave pepper a bigger role. I would have liked to see more of her in the move but meh.