Reviews for Third Year Secrets
Guest chapter 17 . 6/12/2019
You said “2000s chick flick” but this specific story in hp is set in 1994
Raven that flies at night chapter 29 . 2/16/2018
At least they are trying. I love them.
Raven that flies at night chapter 28 . 2/13/2018
Well George that's what you get for being a bloody dung bomb.
Raven that flies at night chapter 27 . 2/12/2018
Oh dear clemmy. Thus is what happens when you pick fights you get in trouble.
Raven that flies at night chapter 26 . 2/10/2018
Well that is what rose gets. She shouldn't have interfered with clenmy's relationship,
Raven that flies at night chapter 25 . 2/7/2018
Oh man. Poor clem fred wouldbhave been a much better choice in my opinion. All it took was a stupid snake to make things go down.
Raven that flies at night chapter 24 . 2/5/2018
Oh poor clemmy I do hope things get better for her. Thu chapter was great. I cant wait for the next.
drmeck chapter 20 . 1/13/2018
A short one, but oh man the angst.. i Love it
Raven that flies at night chapter 19 . 1/8/2018
Oh poor sky. I hope things go better for her sooner rather then later.
Raven that flies at night chapter 20 . 12/18/2017
Loved the update it was super cute.
GreyMoon.Huntress chapter 20 . 12/17/2017
For now indeed! Damn, I hope they do stay besties.
Anyways George was acting kinda weird, I wonder what happened? Also I still don't know what's wrong with Ginny and her friend or where that little prat Judith is at. Nice chapter, thanks for updating! :D
GreyMoon.Huntress chapter 19 . 12/15/2017
It's been so long, that I no longer remember what's happening, so I'm as on edge as Clemmy. Nice chapter btw! :D
P.S: by that I mean I haven't seen the movie in a long while, so I no longer remember certain events and stuff
GreyMoon.Huntress chapter 18 . 12/14/2017
Cool! Glad that Fred knows now! Nice chapter! Judith keeps me on edge and Rosalie makes me wanna flip a desk over but hey, I'm glad Clem's happy rn. Hope to see you again soon! XD
GreyMoon.Huntress chapter 17 . 12/12/2017
Awee they're so cute! I love them together! Poor Fred all bitter about feeling left out and not getting his own girl (*sigh*), really that Skyler needs to straighten out and realize that she's becoming a bit too available with everyone, though as long as she and Clem stay bff's I guess it's okay. She'll straighten out eventually. Also what is up with that Judith?! Like wth is she anyways and why is she always creepin' like man for a second I thought she was secretly obsessed with Clem, but then I heard her little gossip spreading and I guess she's just jelouse cuz of the twins? Idk what her deal is really, but something is going on. Especially with Ginny and her friend Gaby, like why were they being so mean and cold towards poor Clem? What nasty lies were they fed?! Ugh please update soon, this is really interesting!
morganna12 chapter 16 . 11/7/2017
So here's the thing... I think I'm a little obsessed with you! I love your writing and everything about this fic. Update soon :D
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