Reviews for Angels of Stars
Yozakura Quartet chapter 32 . 4/11
And they were never heard from again.
CallmeCrazylol chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
It's been quite some time since this went into hiatus but I still keep on reading this. I'm hoping that the definite edition of ToV coming out will give some inspiration to write a newer story. Guess until you return I'm gonna be still reading this...
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
Chloe plz
Galdr chapter 32 . 3/21/2017
Yo Twili,

It's okay. I'll enjoy this story a million times over. It was great and I'm sure your readers understand. We're all human and life does get busier and such. I also empathize with your message, too. Literally. Anyway, I wouldn't mind waiting for a rewrite whenever you can shell it out. It's better to pace yourself than thrust yourself at it. Plus, I'd like to see how much you have improved over the years. Just please never delete the original story. I still like it and I have faith others like it too. Anyway, take your time and keep it up. ;)

Guest chapter 32 . 3/16/2017
It is a pity that the Story won't be continued.
Still thank you for all the hard work.
I will still keep an eye on the story, perhaps you will change their mind someday in the future.
Dario Flaman chapter 32 . 3/15/2017
Aw man...I'm sad now, this was such a cool story...
Well I respect your decision and if you do a new one, be it a remake or a new one, I'
Forgotten64 chapter 32 . 3/15/2017
I just have to say thank you for the wonderful story, even though its not finished I'll love it and reread it over and over again! I understand the losing motivation and life getting in the way, but hey real life is more important. I always liked your writing style and I hope you continue to write more.

Thank you and I hope things go smoothly for you!
6SkullAngel chapter 32 . 3/15/2017
Even though you think you can do better i loved this story at how it was.. the fact that you think you can make a better one makes me excited for it.
I really hope you make a revised version and if you need help for ideas or something just send me a message. I'm huge fan of ToS, I know a lot or will look it up for you if you need to know something about it.
Until then

Annoying Ike chapter 32 . 3/15/2017
it's okay! i understand that things get in the way, but i just want to say that I've really enjoyed reading this story even if it wasn't finished, and enjoyed every moment of it. good luck on your next story!
CallmeCrazylol chapter 32 . 3/15/2017
Vesperia and Symphoina are really big games. Symphonia especially seeing how there are two worlds to go through. Heck it was divided into to gamecube disks...
They do actually kinda explain Yuri, Repede and Flynn's background in Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike.
While I am sad that this will not continue I can't force you to keep on writing and in writing inspiration is a big thing. I do hope that you will come back to this story as a revised version or even one with a completely different storyline sometime in the future.
DeathLadyShinigami chapter 32 . 3/15/2017
I'm sad you feel that way, but totally understand. I actually look at this as one of the excellent crossover fics using a Tales of game so the thought you might do a rewrite is exciting and I hope you get the motivation for it. For a bit of background on Vesperia I do enjoy the movie First strike if you haven't seen it yet. Not too much in depth background as it's only a few years before the game lol. It's set when Yuri was a knight and has cameos of Raven, Rita, Estelle and a puppy Repede (and we learn who his previous owner was).
Also if it's not to much to ask could you please A) leave this fic up as I (and I'm sure others) would love to reread what you have, and B) if you do end up doing the rewrite like I hope please give an update on this just to let us fans know so we don't miss it.
I'm glad you wrote what you did and look forward to any future projects you might get into :)
Love Psycho chapter 31 . 11/25/2016
I LIKE this story. The only complaint is a minor thing where I'm sad you aren't using the PS3 version. Patty is an awesome character...

Still, you are doing a great job with this story and I stayed up late to read all of this. Looking forward to the next update!

-hands over platter- Magic cupcakes for you!
CallmeCrazylol chapter 31 . 10/19/2016
So... I made an account just so I can say this to you. Holy SHIT! I love this fic so much! I love Yuri's character from Vesperia and Symphonia was the first Tales of game I've played. I feel so blessed to be reading a crossover between the two. Not to mention that your writing is super good! I can't wait to see other Vesperia characters appear! (I'm hoping Flynn will be next). I hope you update soon!
TheCloudsInTheSky chapter 31 . 9/12/2016
You know the skits in the Tales Of series right? Well maybe you can add little skits to the story! Like, for example, the characters complaining about eating spicy ramen in the dessert.
Alexandria storm chapter 31 . 5/15/2016
I have an idea.I don't remember how this plays out EXACTLY so bear with me,but remember when it's revealed that Kratos is Lloyd's dad?I think that it would be cool if it reveals Yuri's dad as well.(Even though I know who Yuri's dad is already)
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