Reviews for Tears
Seth7 chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
Cute story. Great job! :)
CodenameJellybea chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
it made me cry :'( I love Kouki/Rin
-Codename Jellybean (too lazy to log on)
LuvAllPokemon chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
Whyyyyyyyyyy?! *cries* I only watched the anime, but I ship Kouki and Rin so much whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!

This was a good story. I like your descriptions.
QRed chapter 1 . 11/8/2013
LovED already?
Wow, there should be more fanfics on Bunny Drop. It's an awesome manga. :3
Silver Dragon's Wing chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
This is one neat piece of work. You've especially managed to get the emotion across well; Kouki's pain, his love for Rin, his concern for her... it's all in there, and beautifully portrayed. Seems in character to me, works well along the manga, and it's definitely very Usagi Drop-like in tone and setting. Grammar-wise, all looks picture-perfect too. I do wish it were a little longer, but not complaining or anything; this is one well-rounded, well-written ficlet, and I definitely like it! Thank you for sharing! :3
SpunkyPaperAngel chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
:'( Man. I hate how the Usagi Drop manga ended. Daikichi belonged with Kouki's mom, and Kouki and Rin either together or just as close friends/almost siblings.

This was sad. Kouki isn't the type to cry, let alone bawl publicly.

Nice job. Thank you for adding another Usagi fanfic :)
W chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
You can feel Kouki's pain and his love for Rin in this piece. Beautifully written. Well done.