Reviews for Prefect's on Duty
Reiko Amaya-chan chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
I loved your story and for english not being your main language you by the writer!
Andi.Elric chapter 1 . 2/16/2013
Please say there is a sequel for Kaname's revenge or something. I love this!
SexyBVirgo chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
You are pretty good yourself...Loved that last line I was laughing my ass off...hilarious 1 for team Zero!
BitchyActress chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Sooooooooo hot! And kawaii at the end. Now...*staring at you* I'm Lithuanian ...
deleted account 24354676864577 chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
woah, this was fab! Zero talking dirty like that... delightful :D

I certainly hope this isn't the last fic you write- I don't know why you think you're a bad writer!

Also, I didn't find anything wrong with the grammar, so don't worry about that :)

Well done for this!

Love love, kiss kiss,

Shizuka Hanabusa


(P.S. "I love Zero-kun so much" was soooo cute! Perfect ending to the fic _)
Metempsychosis-chan chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
This was rather hot. So well, I really liked it ! I just didn't get how Zero managed to go there XD I love when he talks dirty !
bluerose-28 chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
Omg i love the story so much! It was great!
LuanRina chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
OMFG HOLY SON OF A BISCUIT! ! ! IT WAS DAMN AMAZING, DEAREST! ! ! *squeals of absolute delight* I can't even begin to describe how damn SUPER HOT AND DELIGHTFUL AND NOSEBLEED&DROOL-EVOKING it was! X3 Zero-chan being so naughty and giving Kaname-sama one hell of a mind-blowing blow job, and while they're in a class full of vamps at that, is LOVE! Not to mention the dirty talk...OMG it was just so unimaginably arousing and delightful! I squealed of pure bliss while reading here. And nearly said goodbye to my miserable life, ready to die happy from one massive blood loss at having such ABSOLUTE YUMMILICIOUSNESS right before my eyes! X3

Seriously, dearest, you did great. Especially for a first fanfic! And your English is good too!

And this story totally sent me off straight to HEAVEN for one hell of a long time XD

Please do write more Kaname-sama x Zero-chan deliciousness *is hungry for MOAR*

Thank you so much for your hard work and for presenting us with this lovely masterpiece! :D
GeneralMajorLieutenant chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
N-no... no! No no no nonononono! It cant be over! *tears up* It cant! I loved this so much! You lie to yourself by saying you arent that good of a writer! This is amazing for you first fanfiction! Just perfect! You must either continue this, or do another fanfiction! Thats how much I enjoyed this, and your writing!

Please, for me even though you have no fucking clue who or what *smile* I am, make another one or un complete this one and do ONE MORE (maybe more :3) with a full blown lemon Pweeasseee *hopeful look*

Anyways, amazing story, loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! lol. Hopefully you'll continue writing. You really do have a talent for this :D

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Snow Whites Poison Kiss
Kaze Amaya chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
Nice detail's ;P
irmina chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
very kinky. Blow job during lecture. Wow! The nerve!
I want to see your fanart that goes with this story. what's the site?
ben4kevin chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
IK've seen the pic, this was great. Hope you write more KAZE soon.