Reviews for Deny Thy Father And Refuse Thy Name
Guest chapter 12 . 23h
Haha! The Yiddish is brilliant, part of my heritage too.
Ashlee Kacia chapter 4 . 6/18
I.. can't tell if this is drarry or snarry XD
Lorde Shadowz chapter 2 . 8/22/2019
I quite enjoy this story so far - it's a good Severitus! The only advice I have so far is not to create artificial surprise by constantly avoiding people's names; it gets a little hard to keep track of. I'm otherwise totally enthralled. Great work!
what chapter 3 . 7/10/2019
why does charlie have two girlfriends? it says "Charlie's girlfriend Anna, Bill's friend Mark, Charlie's girlfriend Sarah" what
prophet-of-troy chapter 15 . 11/7/2017
This is a wonderful story outline, though it seems very rushed. Like it's missing half the story.
Hotaru no Kaori chapter 18 . 7/2/2017
That's a great fiction, I like it.
Cztelnik chapter 18 . 11/8/2016
A sweet fic.
Teithril chapter 15 . 9/28/2015
Nope...still don't like Peter. Very good try at getting me to feel sympathy for him though! Maybe next chapter. What kind of snake is Harry? I figured he's a magical snake.
Teithril chapter 14 . 9/27/2015
All in all I like the story & am always a fan of Severus being Harry's father. I can even overlook the huge OOC-ness of Snape & somewhat of Harry. I only say it's a huge OOC leap for Snape because it feels like there are big pieces either missing or being vastly rushed...which can easily be done when you're trying to get the an interesting & complex plot explained & nicely finished in 18 chapters. It's very fluffy but not enough to turn me away. My only real complaint is how this chapter ended. Peter!? Really!? She can (A) do SO much better than him, (B) he is portrayed both in the books & movie as very unattractive in both appearance & character and I honestly am having a hard time seeing her want to go anywhere near him, and, most importantly (C) I HATE HIM! ;-) Ok ok...that last one isn't a valid reason, but still! I don't like him. I literally groaned out loud while saying "Oh god!" when I read his name. Please please PLEASE make me not hate your story over this...please let this next chapter give me answers to why you picked him and maybe, just maybe, have some more OOC-ness on him that makes me not hope he does painfully for being such a coward. Sorry if you actually like each their own. I just personally hate him and Dumbledore...but you covered the parts concerning him so I don't hate him in this story. Onto the next chapter!
Guest chapter 13 . 9/8/2015
Alright. You have some great story ideas and you're a good writer. Now the criticism : this is so mushy and sappy and over the top dramatic. Some of the things the characters have said have made me gag. And I like romance! I'm not trying to be mean because I really think this story has some amazing aspects. Just... too much sweetness...
Lunar-Hedgehog chapter 3 . 6/20/2015
Not only were Bill and Charlie there, but Percy's girlfriend Penelope, Charlie's girlfriend Anna, Bill's friend Mark, Charlie's girlfriend Sarah, as well as you, Hermione, Ginny, your parents and me all in one house. It was like a zoo.'
waya715 chapter 18 . 6/8/2015
great story! thank you for writing it.
Naomi chapter 12 . 4/29/2015
So is Lupin Jewish? I am confused...The Yiddish was totally unexpected! good Chapter though!
thewolf74 chapter 18 . 1/24/2015
I really love this story. It's very heart warming. The fact that Harry is so forgiving is a wonderful thing.
Spottedmask12 chapter 18 . 11/15/2014
This was such a great story! I loved it, and I thought the ending was a really good ending. Your story was very well written and held my attention the whole time. Good job, and thank you for the amazing story!
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