Reviews for Surrender for a While
khazrn43 chapter 31 . 10/12/2015
I adore the way you ended it. Their love summed up in six sentences. Perfect. Some Finchel sexy times would have made it better
Honor the tether! Remember the drummer
SammiLoves2Write chapter 31 . 10/20/2014
Awe this was so cute!
Marisa93 chapter 31 . 8/1/2012
I want to read about a wedding and them living alone in new York!
Loveydoveface chapter 31 . 7/31/2012
Wow! I love it!:0))
lizchavez chapter 31 . 7/30/2012
I absolutely loved the ending! I cant wait for Wanted and to see what happens! Hopefully you will write the wedding! Hmm maybe a Finchel baby? I want Kurt and Blaine to stay strong as well as Brittana! Maybe have Santana help Brittany through her senior year by going anf visiting her? I just want all the character happy and im sure you have a great story in line for Wanted! I cant wait! This story is my all time favorite! Your writing is amazing as well! :)
loveleamichele99 chapter 31 . 7/30/2012
I loved this story, I cant wait for Wanted!
ani101PSU chapter 31 . 7/30/2012
Fabulous job!
noro chapter 31 . 7/30/2012
keep those chapters rollin in
Amybf19 chapter 31 . 7/30/2012
Awwww will there be an epilogue? I want to know what happens with your version of Finn and Rachel... In the future! :)
Amybf19 chapter 30 . 7/30/2012
That was very sweet!
noro chapter 30 . 7/29/2012
fantastic writing
Loveydoveface chapter 30 . 7/29/2012
Aaaahhhh! That was so sweet!
lizchavez chapter 30 . 7/29/2012
Omg I love this chapter! Thank you for having Rachel tell Finn how she feels about him! It was perfect! I love the reason why Finn kisses Rachel's nose! You are such an amazing writer! I am SO GLAD you are doing a sequal! I cant wait for the last chapter and the sequal! :)
LeaCorygleelove chapter 30 . 7/29/2012
Dear lord you had to make Finn even more perfect in this story. Loved that you added a line from S1 You can kiss me if you want to...I want to and that you added a few of their songs in the story as well. Can't wait till next chapter and can't wait till Wanted is written.
LeaCorygleelove chapter 29 . 7/28/2012
You wrote amazing story you did a great job. First time i sat and read a story without stopping (well i stopped to take a break)I was hopeing this wasn't the last chapter and i was glad when i saw you had two more chapters i hope you can get going or even write a sequel. amazing story again keep writing
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