Reviews for Liberation
MissPuddifootlol chapter 10 . 12/21/2018
Oh waw, that was really good, i enjoyed it very much. It made me think and reflect about what "true love" really is about. Because once you've figured out someone, how do you keep love to stay ? And then I just though that maybe our "true love" is not the book we enjoyed the most, or the one with the most beautiful cover and images, but the one you can reread to the point of knowing every single sentence and still keep rereading it anyways.
Rose Wazlib chapter 10 . 3/26/2017
Wow, that was totally amazing. Thank you so much for writing it. I'd love to see more but I think you concluded it really well.
Uzofire chapter 10 . 2/21/2017
This is truly an amazing story. Believable characters, uncomplicated yet enticing plot, and positive messages and life lessons are prevalent throughout. Thank you for sharing your incredible writing talent with us. And who knows, maybe there's someone out there who really needed to hear this message right now, and has hopefully found it. Good luck and keep it up.

Yours, Uzofire
emeraldhead-crimsonheart chapter 10 . 12/28/2016
This story is positively gorgeous. I've just stumbled upon it. And both the writing and the story were spell binding. Lest we say it is unequivocally a love story which is normally something I stear clear of (the more complicated the plot the better for me usually)
But this was incredible. I'm over a year late to the party but I'm disappointed by the sheer lack of feedback you have for this story.
This is one of my favourite Scorpius depictions. A mature individual who goes completely against the usual grain. It was so refreshing to see a good relationship between the families as well.
Personal favourite part was in fact the Scamander twins finishing each other sentences. A wonderful touch to the detail amongst the emotional backdrop.
Bloody brilliant! *****
Helena W.G chapter 10 . 3/27/2016
I LOVED IT! it's simply amazing! I love the Scorpius you portrayed and I love Rose..the not perfect Rose..I just love evrything about this PERFRCT..thank you! I read it all in about 30min.. I needed to finish it I can go to bed being a happy person hahaha
DTH chapter 10 . 1/7/2016
Lovely fic, I enjoyed it very much and it was well written. Good job and thank you!
Jenna98 chapter 10 . 8/31/2015
loved it
Plucie chapter 10 . 8/21/2015
Awww, this is simply adorable. :)
bright places chapter 10 . 8/21/2015
Great ending. Loved this story so much.
Guest chapter 9 . 8/19/2015
Shit, I love this story, and you're a beautiful storyteller. Romance is common, but your way of portraying it is just *.*
You made me fall in love with romance again, dah-ling.
jetdrawing3 chapter 10 . 8/20/2015
THIS FIC WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME! I love it SOOOOO much! The characterization is perfect and vivid, the dialogue is realistic, and your vocabulary and general writing skills are incredible. My only complaint would be that it's just a tad bit fast-paced, but, let's be reasonable, you're writing a fanfiction, not a novel. This is by far the best Rose-Scorpius story I've found so far.
jetdrawing3 chapter 6 . 8/20/2015
Merlin's beard! I thought I was similar enough to Hermione, but every single word you're writing about Rose Weasley seems like it was written about me. And Scorpius is exactly the type of guy I'd fall for.
bright places chapter 9 . 8/18/2015
I love love love this. I've been waiting for this chapter for a long time and it was absolutely worth it. So, so sweet. Everything was wrapped up beautifully and was perfectly executed. Thank you so much for this story.
bright places chapter 8 . 7/20/2015
Okay. So. This story is AMAZING. I LOVE IT. THE CHARACTERIZATIONS ARE SOOOO GOOD. I love the banter between Rose and Scorpius because it's so witty and funny. And the cousins are solidly written, I especially like Hugo becuase he's exactly what Rose needs. :) You've got a strong, captivating writing style too and I'm wondering how this doesn't have more reviews. I hope for the next chapter soon because I don't think I can go long without getting lost in the world you described. Thank you for sharing ~!
sunburnesd chapter 7 . 12/21/2014
wow, what a brilliant story, I love the dynamics between all the characters, please update soon in the new year!
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