Reviews for Set Free
Magua chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
It's also a lovely work :3
I don't know what you have, but I love all your SethxEirika stories, all of them :D

See ya!
Atte: Magua.
Pyro's Apprentice chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
It's been too long since I've read a story like this, so maybe that's why I was so surprised. I knew you were an amazing romance writer, but what impressed me about this story was the power in it. The transition from grief and mourning to duty and action was, well, powerful. I also loved the ending. Thank you so much for the story!
Dunas Priest chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
I almost feel as though the last line, could have been a bit better, more befitting of the story progression you have going on. However, I did really like this. Thank you for writing. )
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 1 . 6/14/2012
Well done first off. That was an excellent look at a very tense moment in the game. Having to kill your friend can't be easy, and I could see Eirika wishing that she could bring Lyon back. And I also like your point about Seth being a general as well. I mean in the middle of a war, there's really not a lot of time for sentiment, even with your lover. The opening was really descriptive too. I had to cringe a bit when I read it, and I've written about worse. Well done.

My one thing is that I would have liked to have seen you describe the appearance of Fomortiis. If I'm not mistaken it's pretty quickly after Lyon's death that he appears, and while you say that Eirika steps forward to face him, I think it would have been a nice touch to have him show up, just to make the scene complete. But that's just my opinion. His appearance really isn't that important to the story presented here.

Well done, once again.
Trevor X chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
This is a lovely little character study. Great work bringing this all together!
The Social Heretic chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Fantastic work. Especially the portrayal of Seth, proper and dutiful in battle. Kudos.

- Mav