Reviews for Wet My Whistle
Guest chapter 19 . 12/4/2018
I just love this story. I hope you will finish it soon.
Alliecattie 3 chapter 19 . 4/14/2017
I just reread this fave and I still LOVE, LOVE!LOVE it!

I hope all is well with you and yours!
come on chapter 19 . 1/9/2016
It's now been over a year now

Guest chapter 19 . 10/25/2015
Alliecattie3 chapter 19 . 1/8/2015
NOOOOOOOO! OMG! Mercedes needs to get out of her own way. Hope she doesn't let Finn' s past mistake keep her from getting rid of Shane and moving to Finncedes love!
ARGH! I wish Shane would just go away!
Can't wait for the confrontation!
Alliecattie3 chapter 18 . 1/8/2015
Love this story so much! CEO is in full effect! Finn truly has swagger and charm to spare! Mercedes doesn't stand a chance! Shane must go now!
zeejack chapter 19 . 1/8/2015
I didn't throw the tomato but watch the hell out for that apple! what is he doing back here? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ok, I'm gonna take a deep breath. cedes better not be fooled into seeing that ass again. sigh...ok. lay it on me. dang it's good to see these update. but you so mean leaving us on a clifthanger like that! lol
zeejack chapter 18 . 1/8/2015
no matter what finn just makes me melt...I adore him and how cedes resists him...smdh...the boy is lethal! so happy to see an update!
Alliecattie3 chapter 17 . 11/13/2014
OMG! OMG! So glad you updated this story! Loving Finncedes hotness! Now it's time for them to send Shane packing! PDQ!
Excited for more!
zeejack chapter 17 . 11/13/2014
you updated it and I am squealing in pure joy! my ain't shit fin and kitkat are back! they so belong together and I will kick anyone's ass that says different. I swear you have made me ship fincedes when no one else could. I love, love, love this story! thank you for not letting it go.
p.s. I was talking to a friend on the phone when I got the alert and I squealed so loud she told me to go read it so she could hang up to try to get her hearing back! lolol
Guest chapter 16 . 7/27/2014
Love this!
Alliecattie3 chapter 16 . 11/2/2013
OMG OMG OMG! Fire! Fire! Surprised Burt still has a boat! Finncedes set it on fire! Look at Finn working on his mission! The Tinsley Trinket was tossed! LOL! Shane must follow! LOL!
Seriously, hate to say it but as residents of Cheaterville, Finncedes need to handle the situation FAST! Can't wait! Cause then they can sail into love with no baggage! Although why am I thinking that once Shane is dismissed, Rachel is still gonna be a problem? And do I see a semi blonde with green eyes lurking, waiting...? Oh my! Love it!
Alliecattie3 chapter 15 . 11/2/2013
Finncedes hotness is threatening to melt my puter! They know each other so well! Finn knows all the right buttons to push and Mercedes pushes right back! Glad they managed to talk things out! Finn put paid to any lingering doubts Mercedes had about him and Rachel! Needed to address the whole Quinn and round situation! He did so well! He even pushed Mercedes about the Shane situation! LOL!
Too bad Mercedes didn't get a chance to break things off with Shane cause it's again it's clear that while he ain't happy that Mercedes isn't rid of her "dull sentence in a lackluster novel" Finn so is not gonna let that stop him from claimin' what's HIS! Dang! I love this fic!
Alliecattie3 chapter 14 . 11/2/2013
It's so official! Love it! Poor Mercedes! Between Tina's song styling shade casting and Finn making his feelings crystal clear, that girl didn't have a prayer of denying Mr. CEO ANYTHING! Until that hag Rachel showed up that is! Takes a lot of nerve to cheat on a guy and try to get him back while you're still with the guy you cheated on him with! Whew! Glad Finn set Rachel straight! Laughed cause it's kinda pot calling the kettle cause until she gets rid of Shane, Finn is helping Mercedes cheat- course doesn't see it that way cause Shane is the intruder in his mind!LOL!
OMG! See Mercedes run! Run straight to Shane?! Not today! Love Finn grabbing her up over his shoulder carrying her off the field! Hollered when he tossed a greeting at Shane as he took his gf? Away! LOL!
Can't wait to see how Mr. CEO works it out cause Mercedes is seething over the kiss she just saw!
Alliecattie3 chapter 13 . 11/2/2013
OMG! Need to repeat AGAIN- I LOVE THIS FIC! Mercedes is just plain wrong for not telling Shane that he has no chance! Their relationship is a sham! Starting a free Shane now campaign cause he needs to get his own kitten like yesterday! LOL! Cause Mercedes' heart has been snatched by a certain Mr. CEO who ain't giving it back!
Love me some truth telling Tina! Shade casting like a BOSS! Screamed when Tina described how bad Finn wants Cedes! HAlarious! And true! Hope Tina keeps pushing cause Mercedes obviously needs a voice of reason to help he figure out that letting Shane go and claiming Finn is right! Needs to happen NOW!
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