Reviews for Knowing Too Much
Guest chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
No Spoilers. I really hope you meant that to be capitalized, because if so than I am really, really happy :) And the rest of it was great. Depressing, but great.
witchsoul531 chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
I see what you did there...
Mermaid Ninja chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
The future isn't written in stone. Bart needs to learn that.
PrincessLazyPants chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
Something in my chest kind of twisted as I read this, and I couldn't breathe. The idea that Bart knows who's going to die and who comes close to death must be terrifying for him and eating him alive. I'm glad for the interaction with Tim though because it gives the idea that despite all this knowledge stressing him out, he'd have someone with him.
Val-Creative chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
Fic stabbed me right through the heart. Aaaaaargh oh god. Oh, Bart, please be wrong.
Tressa chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Lovely combination of the comic and cartoon canon. I love that Bart automatically tells Tim he'll be his best friend. Because, yes, Tim's gonna need it. I love the way you wrote the thoughts running through Bart's head as well as the interaction between Tim and Bart here. It was natural and very in character. Love the inclusion of Linda as well. I always loved her and Wally and their kids.

Great job. I enjoyed this.
ShadowCatAlex chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
I thought this was precious. It made me very sad when you listed everything bad that would(could?) happen. I absolutely love that you had him take it upon himself to be Tim's best friend because he would need him.

Nice job!
polarbear1355 chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
GAAAAAAAHHHH CRYING RIGHT NOW. Like, the whole thing where he thought about all the bad stuff that's going to happen? CRYING RIGHT NOW. It's was kinda beautiful, honestly. And if you wanted to do more, you could allways have it be a series of one shots of similiar happenings. (Mainly because I want more of this.) And I totally love the fact that Bart and Tim are best friends! I honestly kinda don't like Bart as much as I should ()but it's stories like this that I read that I'm like: hmhmhmmm, maybe he's not so bad. :) So yeah, keep up the good work! :D
Cue.Mysterious.Music.Rite.Now chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
This is really sad, but in a good way. It expresses how Bart feels. :)