Reviews for How We Dream
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16/2017
Update please! I love ️ this so much
Pumpkinpi chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
Absolutely loved it. I can't wait till they kiss ! I literally squealed like a little fangirl (I am definitely one!) when he was talking about how much he cared about her. Write chapter two as soon as possible because I am jumping with joy at this!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
Hello. It has been 5 years. This fic has the overwhelming potential to become my favorite fic ever. Please post the rest to fufill that potential. Please, it would do the fandom so good.
ilovemanicures chapter 1 . 3/31/2017
I found a tread to this fic somewhere on Tumblr and I just couldn't put my phone down. This story is very well written, and seemed very well thought out. Your character depiction was on point, and the storyline is incredibly enticing. I'm sad to see you had written it so long ago because most likely that means we'll never get to see the end of this. But even if that is the case I am thankful you shared this much. It made for a wonderful read, and I enjoyed it immensely :)
charcharchoo chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
can you update this pls this is a great story with a great writer xxx from a loony
Guest Star chapter 1 . 9/18/2015
I guess it might be a little late to be hoping for an update, but I'd like to say that this was very interesting and I would have enjoyed seeing how it panned out. Alfred, in particular, was awesome. Great work. :]
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
This is amazing! Why isn't there more?
ben8615 chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
Three hundred and sixty four days when you might get an un-birthday present, and only one for birthdays, you know?
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then.
One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.
Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.
'But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice. 'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'
Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
No good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise.
Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.
Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.
Always speak the truth, think before you speak, and write it down afterwards.
She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it).
It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.
Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.
When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.'
Twinkle, twinkle little bat How I wonder what you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a tea-tray in the sky.
'What is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?'
The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but never jam today.
Oh, 'tis love, 'tis love that makes the world go round.

(This is my sad, geeky way of saying 'write more, I love you!')
imahugerobinandbatmanfan19 chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
I think its really great, the plot and everything! But i wish Alfred wouldn't have made robin go to bed, i mean Barbra is out there in danger! Come on Alfie! But i thing its very descriptive which is great, so update soon please!
procellous chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
I'm rather Carrollian. Curiouser and curiouser. XD

Through the Looking Glass has many useful quotes.
Jesters of the Moon chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
I really like this. You should continue. I'm interested in the plot. :)

-Bobby Corwen
ManyNerdThings chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
Wow. This is amazing! I really like how you incorporate traditional Batfam with YJ. And, of course, it's adorable how Dick is worrying about Barbara. Dick x Babs forever!
I do really enjoy it, and can't wait to read more. Hope you update soon!
Masqueraded Angel chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
I like it:) Please update
Charisma B chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
Very interesting and well written! Please continue!
s0ra16 chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
I love this. I'm wondering if Babs is really under his control? I hope Robin saves her.
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