Reviews for The Third Time
Kathy Anderson chapter 41 . 6/23
I absolutely loved this story! Please write more!
reisova chapter 40 . 5/6
One of the best story!
sz3ianne chapter 41 . 3/15
A well written journey for DM & L; their life so many times seems to be out to sea. Thank you for the wonderful story.
reisova chapter 41 . 2/27
Very nice story and "journey" too.
Carole chapter 41 . 1/14
I enjoyed it. I would like more
Guest chapter 10 . 1/14
Car chapter 41 . 9/12/2019
Good story. Too short
Car chapter 10 . 9/12/2019
Love martin
milesnv chapter 41 . 2/11/2018
C, very good.
One of the best post season 5 story e, in my poor opinion, much better than the official S6 and S7 seasons. A perfect mix of drama, humor, romance built using the characters of the serie and introducing new realistic ones.
A great work.
P barnes chapter 41 . 3/6/2017
A very riveting story and well written enjoyed reading it well done
Guest chapter 41 . 8/23/2016
I read this again today after reading it long ago from when you first wrote it. This is so beautiful. This should have been series 6 and 7 of the show. You captured everything so well that I had no difficulty imagining them in your story. Thank you for this. I hope you will write another one.
Maria from RSA chapter 41 . 7/19/2016
hi...Just wanted to say THANKS! LOVED every single sentence of this was EVERYTHING I wanted and needed it to be...GR8 Job. And I hope to read more!
Catservant chapter 41 . 5/26/2016
Wow, your story had about everything in it that I love to read :-). Action, hurt/comfort, suspense, romance,... LOVE it! First I didn't do the chores I had on my list this afternoon because I was kept on the edge with Martin thinking they'd go to London and Louisa postponing her decision all the time... Then my family had to wait half an hour longer for their dinner today because I couldn't put my ebook reader down with Martin out on the sea! Thanks a lot for sharing, it's a keeper!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/1/2016
This is fantastic writing, very credible insight into what the two characters are feeling. Series has alwas suffered from both M&L not having any confidants to discuss . Thank you so much.

You might be interested in my video condensation of just the early Martin and Louisa story at
doc38 chapter 2 . 5/1/2016
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