Reviews for It Could Be You
Guest chapter 21 . 9/11/2018
I read your stories with Cartman, they are well written. I like your writing style and story telling, I also like that you add a lot of drama and feeling, I also like how you write out the romance and how everyone is feeling in your stories, if you ever come back and write more, is kinda your choice of course.
Guest chapter 21 . 9/11/2018
Where are you ?_? I read a lot of your stories the way you write can make someone want to really read what you write. But I don't know if you're done with writing or on haitus but I'm just wondering if this was your last South Park story? Is there going to be more SP stories from you? Anyway I read and re-read your stories.
nhbdyuknow chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
This was an amazing story! My favorite part was when Wendy and Craig were getting high at Wendy's house, that was so realistic and cute:)
computerman275 chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
I will say this. I like this story a lot, especially with how it portrays Craig, and the fact it doesn't shove Creek down your throat. I love the unique feel of having Craig being related to the Marsh's and is going to be a major thing in my own story as well. I think you did well in terms of keeping mainly to the story, although a bit of the characters like Randy feel a little off. Oh well, you did well.
Guest chapter 21 . 9/21/2017
Nice story, please do a story on Pete
marolycus chapter 21 . 11/15/2015
I had spent all of last night reading this, and wow I loved it. Completely wow, I felt like a high schooler all over again. Good job
computerman275 chapter 21 . 9/30/2015
Good story, but why didn't you make the actual final chapter?
stanrules chapter 19 . 4/14/2015
Awsome ending...leaving everyone in that tragic state of the truth. Plez make another chapter of this stalkerdex.

hhhh chapter 3 . 8/3/2014
Craig kinda reminds of that song jesus of suburbia, and ckyde was like letterbomb...
Green day anyone?
southparklover12 chapter 19 . 2/9/2014
Please update
la canelle chapter 19 . 10/29/2013
Awesome, just awesome. Update this soon!
Anime Lover Donna Back Up chapter 19 . 7/26/2013
Fire Leon chapter 19 . 7/18/2013
O.o fuck, what a way to ruin a dinner...what a chapter, this is like the climax of the story, im speechless.
I feel so so so bad for Stan, he didn't deserve that, I mean he was a good boyfriend and a good brother...yeah, i know, i wanted that too but now I feel bad for him.
Bebe overreacted, I have to said it. Now she's like the villian of the story, that part was really dramatic, never expect that. At the beginning of the chapter when Wendy said to Bebe that she was at Stan's i was like holly fuck, here we go and yeah... damn Bebe. I'm asking to myself if what Bebe said about Craig is true in a way, I believe not but he was careless in sort of a way (im glad of that), soon or later everyone will find out. Just don't end the CraigxWendy!
Can't said with words how awesome job that you have done and you are doing with this story, best one I've ever read and now I cant wait for how It's gonna end so please continue soon
Fire Leon chapter 18 . 7/18/2013
Fucking Cartman!
I didn't expect that, this chapter was...perfect, so many things just happened, Craig and Wendy was like so cute, they are in deeply love now and yeah, you put a stupid smile on my face again...then Bebe and Clyde scene was...18 :D and then Kyle and Cartman, yes my speculations were right, good couple, just wait to Cartman release his gay side and tell his feelings to Kyle and then the "shit happens" part, damn Cartman! it was funny in a way I have to say it but i guess that thanks to Cartman, "real life" is gonna hit some characters in the face now
Fire Leon chapter 17 . 7/18/2013
holly s...squirrel! you already updated and I didn't notice...damn -.- good thing is that I have 3 chapters to read :)
Wow, this one was great...not intense but not boring at all which is good for taking a hint where the story goes now. I love how Stan and Craig were close in this one , fucking brothers now but that sad expresion by Stan was worrying for my opinion Stan will find out soon.
Wendy and Bebe, this scene was like a movie, two old best friends talking about guys...the smoking part is new so good for Clyde is hot...if Wendy said that then is true :D
I'm starting to think, after this chapter, that maybe Kyle and Cartman are gonna end together...that would be interesting.
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