Reviews for Steady Now
Doranwen chapter 7 . 8/13/2018
This is really good - thanks for writing it - and completing it! :)
cowboy12 chapter 7 . 1/13/2015
This was incredible. Their interactions and and personal struggles so true to character. You write them so well. The details and imagery you share is beyond words. Have mostly only read your more recent works, so glad I found these older treasures.
Please keep writing, and I for one will keep reading,
Sam 'Dimples' Swarek chapter 7 . 2/10/2014
This story was great. I'm now going to read the rest of urs
1Shootingstar78 chapter 7 . 10/31/2013
Great story :-)
Cocobean2206 chapter 7 . 9/20/2012
Awesome I loved the entire thing OMG one of my favorite stories
swiftvixen chapter 7 . 9/17/2012
I have read many of your RookieBlueFanFic i would have to say you nailed this one. Awesome keep writing and ill keep reading

siddy4me chapter 7 . 9/16/2012
This is an awesome story, and beautifully written!
SNlovesRBlue chapter 7 . 9/16/2012
Writers view of Sam and Andy DEAD ON!
SNlovesRBlue chapter 5 . 9/16/2012
This was a really good chapter! Well, they all have been. But, this one, really hit the emotions! You portray them dead on!
cheska86 chapter 7 . 9/11/2012
I love it! It's realistic and just matches their characteristics from the series perfectly. Looking forward to reading your stories again :)
corinne chapter 7 . 8/28/2012
Ugh. Pure gold. This is the creme de la creme. Perfect story.
ariel133 chapter 7 . 6/23/2012
Absolutely wonderful epilogue! I'm sad it's over, but you did a lovely job with this story!
Annie Blythe chapter 7 . 6/22/2012
"Sam ran a couple of fingertips along her shoulder, knowing there was nothing he could say that she wouldn't misconstrue as false hope or condescension." / Sometimes she'd arrive home bursting at the seams with ideas and questions, not seeming to care that he rarely had answers. Other nights, she'd slip inside with red-rimmed eyes, her silence a force field that he knew better than to try and penetrate. What struck him more than her immediate reactions, though, was how the sharp edges she had developed since her attack softened in microscopic increments each day. How she ate more, slept better, smiled with her eyes. How the vitality with which he'd fallen in love made itself known again, her light slowly but surely making its way back to her."

Thank you for such an honest, genuine portrayal of trauma. Sam's consistent support is such a testament to their relationship, and it speaks volumes about his character. Andy's commitment to recovery - even in the wake of taxing days and weeks - is a reminder of her strength, and their shared vulnerability... Gah. That was a beautiful section. Your ability to weave those moving, poignant displays and their token, teasing humor was remarkably well-done. (The Bend It Like Beckham scene slayed me a little, haha.)

I can only repeat my previous sentiments - Thank you for such an excellent, moving, realistic story. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future! Brava.
Annie Blythe chapter 6 . 6/22/2012
(My heart is successfully lodged in my throat.)

Loved Sam's persistence, to the point of physically blocking Andy's exit. It's clear how necessary this conversation is; just how close to her breaking point Andy is.

"Andy, I know what I can handle. You can't make that decision for me." - So glad you included this line. It's certainly applicable to both parties, and I have a feeling that we're going to see the fallout in the regular season: One trying to "protect" or "spare" the other's feelings, attempting to eliminate burden or stress.

I'm glad you gave us that quiet moment of reassurance - Sam is not going anywhere; he's all in.

The final section at the cemetery was beautifully done - Thank you.
Annie Blythe chapter 5 . 6/22/2012
Reading Traci's recap of the cigarette incident was difficult, but this... Ah. This took the cake:

"A half-full bottle of cheap vodka – the kind that could probably be used in lieu of turpentine. 'You have got to be kidding me.' He stared at it, wanting to smash it against the wall, to make it disappear, to turn back time and prevent it from ever having ended up in Andy's possession. She was out cold, and he was about to lose his mind with anger and worry. So he looked, made himself see everything he didn't want to and maybe shouldn't have."

I can only compliment you on how well you've pulled the reader in, establishing this real-life connection between the characters and audience. The emotions are heartbreaking, jarring, and so well-crafted. Brava!
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