Reviews for Weasley Girl
Guest chapter 15 . 6/20
I have mix feelings I normal don't mind different sex plot story this make the weasley look like bad parents for male ron he was neglects because molly
wants a girl have many child to get one that they dont know what to do with them in the end it seem that you don't understand the characters you make a fanfiction try to fix something that j.k wirting
pinks99 chapter 1 . 5/19
Really like this chapter-I've never read a female Ron story before. And I like how the pace is quick-no dragging on canon rehash.
Chaotic Harlequin chapter 4 . 3/22
Pretty accurate of Snape to be an absolute ass which I appreciate because Snape-apologists annoy me. Interesting to see how many clues that they're missing because of one or two events
DPTTrocks chapter 8 . 2/28
At the end of last chapter, Hermione used Colloportus to lock the door, but at the beginning of this chapter, she didn't have any trouble opening the door.
Chaotic Harlequin chapter 1 . 2/27
Great start and nice to see a change as Ron being r63 instead of Harry. Still in character for everyone and a enough of a change in the story to wonder about which will happen
61394 chapter 15 . 1/28
Good story
GoingClassic chapter 15 . 1/22
I love this story! I like how Ron being a girl changes things. Too often changing the gender if a character has no impact on the story. Ronnie is still insecure but it's for different reasons then in the books. I also love how her personality is different then Rons
marvinkitfox1 chapter 13 . 12/6/2019
"the pawns are the life and soul of the game. They ALONE form the attack and the defense"

Um. I think someone here is not a chess player.

In *chess* pawns are effectively a board modifier. They form interlocking defenses, yes, but these defenses are porous. And their attack is that of the thornbush. Dangerous only if you stick your nose into it.
But I suspect Dumbledore is more speaking of Pawns as the lesser people he moves around to play HIS games with...
BerserkLittleCook chapter 15 . 10/11/2019
It made my day. Harry's got a girl in the house xD
I like how you handled the first year. At some point before Halloween I was afraid it would be a whole year of sitting and talking and a whole lot of wall-o'-text's. But you surprised me just at the right time. And now I'm curious. Intrigued. And kind of mad you don't have all seven years done yet
Guest chapter 15 . 8/24/2019
How have I gone so long without finding this masterpiece?! Absolutely beautifully written and completely in character, I cannot express how much I love this fic! 3 3 Also one of the best portrayal I've /ever/ read!
Snape noticer chapter 13 . 7/29/2019
One complaint about your fic I have is that you keep forgetting one thing about Snape in general. While Hargid is right to say “Well, guess what, other people had rotten lives too, an' they don't go around sneerin' at everyone!”, one thing you and Hargid doesn’t realize is that unlike Harry and the “other people”, Snape had NO support system (one good friend is not a support system). He is NOT like Harry and the others. Harry and the others grew up to be kinder because they had positive support systems at Hogwarts while Snape never did. Harry, Dumbledore and Hargid, etc has friends in Hogwarts, Lupin was raised by good parents. Snape? NO ONE, true he had Lily and later Dumbledore, but a child is too young to help Snape with his plus Dumbledore thought Snape would overcome his issues on his own but too late realized “some wounds are too deep to heal”

Snape isn’t just being bitchy for the sake of it most of the time. He has legitimate untreated trauma and Harry looking like James is a major trigger. While I love Hargid’s saying that it’s no excuse to bully, I would have loved to let Snape tell his backstory and Hargid and Harry realizing that he has untreated trauma from being horribly abused by James, point out that it doesn’t excuse his behavior but explains it, then sincerely offer to help him more past his trauma (Snape would still likely reject it out of suspicion, but it’s a better start)

I like you enknowledge that Snape isn’t a saint unlike most fica. But I wish that you also enknowledge that it isn’t just (mostly) Snape being a baby. Because Snape is a picture of what would happen if Harry had took up Draco’s hand in friendship and fell in the wrong crowd.

Still a good fic though!
ASpecialSnowflake chapter 13 . 7/5/2019
Yep. You get Snape. Your portrayal of him this chapter encapsulated his character better than any scene I can think of in the books. That's some remarkable work.
Wanderer Chronicles chapter 2 . 5/31/2019
Tomboy Ron is Best To, and I love that Neville is part of the core group. Greatly enjoying this.
BriaDelAngel chapter 5 . 5/26/2019
Hoo no I see Annalise Basso or Molly Quinn or a young Sophie Tuner!
BriaDelAngel chapter 3 . 5/26/2019
When I imagine Ronny I see Annalise Basso personally.
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