Reviews for The Warp is Calm
PLEASE READ ME chapter 1 . 12/1/2019
The warp, ie the TV world, ie persona, kaos God's are hyper super mega dencely woven, boss shadows.
HanadaMB chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
great story looking forward for what happens next
OmegaUltima chapter 4 . 11/19/2018
Love what you've got so far, though the rather non-linear storytelling was/is a tad bit confusing

Hope you will be able to come back to this eventually and continue/finish it~
thatguy1796 chapter 4 . 9/17/2017
Multilasers. Space marines using Multilasers. Go home C.S Goto, no one likes you. Despite claiming to be frustrated with bad crossovers, you have decided to write one yourself. Your style is decent enough, but the story suffers from starting it the way you did. Especially during the end of the first chapter when we get a nice WTF moment that makes no sense in established WH40k cannon. A Xeno friendly Imperium who seems to care about the Asari for some reason, putting storm troopers in drop pods, space marines with multilasers, apparently immortal shape-shifting inquisitors, and Imperials more than happy to commit all forms of tech-heresy for some reason.
You clearly don't understand Warhammer 40k enough to write something true to cannon.
I think another rewrite is in order, maybe this time you can some of the more basic things right, and properly explain the more outlandish things in your story.
Tsamoka chapter 4 . 4/30/2016
Awww! :) That little Asari girl is going to make the cutest little Sister of Battle EVER! I can just see her sitting on the shoulder of a Space Marine shouting "For the Emperor!" in that adorable little voice. I can't wait to see where this goes. Keep up the good work! :)
Anon chapter 4 . 3/31/2015
Mary sue inquisitor is mary sue.
jgkitarel chapter 4 . 3/9/2015
Now THIS is interesting...

This is one of the few WH40K Crossovers I can stomach. The Imperium is still a bit player in the ME verse, but that is due to still establishing their presence, and being as it is a massive Inquisition op, that means that they're being careful. It also reflects the outside the box thinking being displayed for the Imperium.

I look forward to seeing what comes of this.
bryan.fran.984 chapter 4 . 8/8/2014
Please update this. It has been a long tine...
Commissar Critical chapter 3 . 7/15/2014
What the heck? I'm confused on a few issues
know there are an extremely small number of black people in the entire Imperium l
as humans? Explain yourself.
Commissar Critical chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
Are these early Astartes? Do they not understand the evils of association with xenos?
speaker of babbel chapter 4 . 4/7/2014

The ammount of work and thought that you have put into the writting so far is amazing, and i hope that you keep writting chapters for this.
Hellraptor chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
Great story so far, but anti-matter grenades? Really? Even if that grenade contained only 1 gramm of antimatter, it would explode like a small nuke, surely destroying everything in 100 metre radius
ShadowCub chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
Wanting to like this but the Imperium doesn't care for xenos especially ones like the Asari. Shepherd is nothing more than a alien lover and useless to any human cause.

I like the Imperium because they don't do any of that useless crawling and ass kissing like the rest of humanity, aliens are untrustworthy and they don't apologize for recognizing that fact.

They would be more likely to let the Reapers reap, and then come in and destroy the relays.

Nice try.
CookieMonsta1233 chapter 4 . 1/9/2014
LOL at the one-handed Sphess Marine. That is moment worthy of 'Like a Boss'
Razbunatorul chapter 4 . 1/5/2014
I really like this. I would love to see more. I hope that you continue to update and that your financial troubles get sorted out. Best of luck. This is a very entertaining story, and is quite well written.
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