Reviews for angels fear to tread
101cecilia101 chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
omg omg i love it!
hawkeyeforever chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
I absolutely LOVE this story. You always write Lucy so beautifully. Happy Writing:)
Ravnur chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
I loved seeing Lucy again. I tend to love your versions of Lucy... and you made me hate those versions of Lucy's family, and I tend to adore the Weasley's. Interesting that you made Lucy Percy's illegitimate family. It really tells it - how isolated Lucy might have felt... Poor Luce.

But I loved how everything went by. That she forced herself into the TARDIS - can see why the Doctor would be intrigued by her. He tends to invite interesting characters into the TARDIS - a girl barging in without asking... Of course he would ask her to stay. I loved their adventures - classic! How she developed from a insecure girl to a confident woman, who says no to her family, when they realize that they miss her and need her. People often tend to only notice, when the object is missing.

Oh and I loved how it transitioned from the Doctor to Lysander. It didn't feel forced or anything. Doctor/Lucy were great, but I've always been wary of the Doctor's romances as they can never last. Whereas Lucy and Lysander have a future. I loved that Lucy and Victoire had a special relationship, just like in your HP/Narnia crossovers... That Luce at least had one person. (Despite Teddy turning into a stupid character)

Oh, the end! That she ended up with a reservation for those animals that are malformed - and have no place with the healthy animals. It just tells so much of Lucy's feelings. And Lysander joining her, oh how sweet. And typically Scamander/Lovegood, I imagine. He's his own person, and yet we see some of Luna's traits.

Generally - you are great at cross-overs, no matter how ridiculous they can seem. And I loved that Lucy is from another dimension - and not from Doctor Who-dimension.
WintersEmpire chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
I really enjoyed this and thought it was beautifully written. I liked the dialogue. My favorite conversations were those between Lucy, her father, Molly, and Scorpius. I've heard that when it comes to dialogue, at times, "less is more" and you portrayed that wonderfully in Lucy's short - yet loaded with emotion - responses.

Overall, it was a great and distinct crossover with Doctor Who.
NabikiB chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
No, it made sense. It made perfect sense...but your best audience for this kind of story are the sort of personalities that like books like 'A Wrinkle in Time' or 'Robinson Crusoe'. It's got that sort of 'flavor'.

I enjoyed it.
anon chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
You made me cry so much, but this story is a gem! Love the last line cause it is so true!

Noticed a cameo from a Pretty Little Liar, but not sure how Mike got to NY.

Anyway, once again, great story!
Lavinia Swire chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
I just want to marry this fic! I adore it so much and I want your writing skillz :3 Everyone is utterly in character – I can never write the Doctor or Amy IC, so kudos to you. And Lucy, oh my God, she is absolutely perfect! I love how she goes from being the lonely quiet one to having awesome adventures with the Doctor and moving on from Scorpius and then finding home *sniffles* She matures and grows up so subtly but so flawlessly over the course of the story. And the ending was awesome! I’m not normally a Lucy/Lysander shipper, but it worked perfectly and it was even better that it was just implied.

I just cannot express how much I love everything about this. Now I’m going to read it again because I have feels.
marniemadden chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
This. Just this fic, I mean, this was gorgeous. I don't particularly ship LucyLysander but I so did here. I loved the progression from LucyEleven to LucyLysander – it was subtle, but noticeable; that's such a contradiction but I don't even care. What I mean by it, though, is that for instance, there were hints of feelings when Lysander's character was introduced (who, by the way, was perfect; your characterisation made complete and utter sense and it judged /fitted/, you know?), but it wasn't like, "And then there was Lysander, and Lucy thought he was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous and wanted to jump into his bed." So, as I said, it was subtle and it built up over the fic, and I liked that. Also, how you left the ending sort-of slightly open, like, LucyLysander was definitely the intended ship and it was also unarguably a happy ending, but it wasn't straight-out stated in there that they got together, if that makes sense, you could kind of interpret it however you liked – although, for the record, I think everyone who'd read it would definitely say LucyLysander ;)


The way Lucy and the Doctor's relationship started and ended and everything in between, it was just omg. I loved how she could just be herself around him, and the character development of Lucy was absolutely wonderful. I loved how she went from being almost … almost /scared/ of her family, in that she doesn't quite know how to survive on her own and no matter how much she resents them, she still needs them, because she hasn't got any independence, really, to just being like, you know what, Scorpius, I've waited for you, but you aren't worth it. And also how she stood up to her dad, I mean I love Percy and Lucy being close in disc, but I also loved how she just came out about her mum. Which, as well – this piece had so many layers of beautifulness, it isn't even real – I loved, the idea that Lucy was an illegitimate child with Penelope, I can just imagine the uproar with the Ministry and all. Oh and also about Lucy and the Doctor's relationship: I loved the transition from LucyEleven to LucyLysander. It wasn't painful, it wasn't sudden, it just came, and it felt natural and not at all like Lucy and the Doctor breaking up, just not being together anymore.

Oh and before I forget: a) the scenes with Lucy and Amy. I ship their friendship now, okay? b) the scene with Lucy and Victoire. I ship their familyness now, okay? c) ugh I hated Lucy's family SO MUCH, which is really hard to do to me since I love them all so much. But honestly, you did it. I hated the way they treated Lucy, and especially Scorpius (not even family lolol) just acting as though he had been so lovely to her before and how much he "missed" her, Lucy rejecting him was a highlight of the whole thing for me tbh.

As well, although I've probably forgotten to tell you a million other brilliant things about this, the line about going upside down in space. I loved it, which I promise isn't an insult to your other, beautifully crafted and worded lines that had so much meaning and everything, because I just couldn't list them all. But seriously, that line, it just kind of showed to me Lucy kind of, like … letting go, and letting herself like the Doctor, and making a friend for the first time in so long. It was just really meaningful for me. And the title. Ugh the title was perfection.

This was /so/ lovely :)
combeferring chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
disliking the new review button, not going to tell a lie. hey, that was a really good intro, right?

so mike is from pretty little liars and i'll forgive you for breaking him up with hanna (otp okay) because you wrote him so amazingly here. anyway.

flawless writing is flawless as per but it's you so it obvs would be and i loved lucy to little bits and pieces because BABY and she was all on the outskirts and when you found out about penelope you understood it but you built up to the moment and it was a good twist because i was all omfg is her mum bellatrix is her mum ginny is her mum draco but i just didn't consider penelope so that was cool and added to her character by loads. also i was a fan of lily. i just get happy when i see that she's been mentioned idk because she's one of those characters that really jumps to life.

whoops i went back to check something then read the whole fic again

anyway my hat is well and truly swept off to you for bringing the ponds in so seamlessly and all the feels because AMY and she was just so cute. i loved that she and lucy had an insta friendship as opposed to an "ihateyou" thing going on and she was just so lovely. and then you did the whole separate realm thing amazingly and i love how the centaur was such a crucial part in the story because at first i was like "oh won't find out what it is" but then ilian so yeah.

all the otp feels with lucy/lysander because of otp reasons and now i just want to write them again because yes but i was so glad they got their happy ending and they were so cute with the kids that they should pop out a few of their own because why not okay

also the whole ending, as in not the pairing but lucy and the house and the goodbye and the animals was fab because it was really sweet and it brought the story full circle so you could see how she had journied to find out what she was going to do, so that was fabulousa

google just told me "journied" isn't a word, what. it really is.

and then my favourite (part of) a line was hands down "written in the stars for them to remember." because it was really pretty and ties in with space and whatnot and yeah it was just super pretty in a way that makes you remember it which all top lines do

plus brownie points for lysander's stuffed jaguar because baby

oh and lucy is blonde your lucy is always blonde and she has this habit for tripping gaily into other realms or worlds and falling in love with all the men i want i would hate her if i didn't love her but i do so

oddly enough my top moment was the father/daughter snapshot where they told each other that they loved the other because i am a huge fan of percy and lucy getting on well and idk it just made me happy inside like drinking a bottle of vodka or eating chocolate idk i just really loved that moment

i really hope you like this review because i sound like a lunatic but i'm tired and i fell in a ditch today so but thank you for writing me this because srsly i love it all and no one has ever done a better lucy/11 because no one writes lucy as well as you do and ily and thank you

also no one writes ilian, we should have named the dog ilian but it's too late and he's tyrion so
nnuiim chapter 1 . 6/13/2012
I truly cannot believe that this fic can be beaten! Harry potter and doctor who are my life but hardly any of the crossover fics I've read have been good. This was so perfect (but it did result in my getting a detention when I didn't atop reading it in class, oops. Oh well, worth it)
chasingafterstarlight chapter 1 . 6/13/2012
Okay, you've heard my opinions on most of this but seriously, this is is amazing. I love your writing and your Lucy and your Lysander (SERIOUSLY HE IS ADORABLE LET ME LOVE HIM) and this is a seriously unique plot and the DOCTOR he was so IC and adorable. It was just a brilliant fic, and Mike Montgomery omg PLL reference (I love Mike though).

I love how lonely Lucy was, and how eventually she found her own happy ending instead of being miserable with people who didn't really care about her and I love how she rejected Scorpius, because Scorpius was pretty much a big jerk. It was a brilliant story and ajlgkjdsag I really adored it. Nice job!
Ninja Potter chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
Oh my gosh, loved it! I've only watched the first season of doctor who, but I loved the crossover! I don't know where Mike is from, unfortunately. I don't even know who Amy is :( but that's my fault. All in all, great job!
Lella chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
So, twinny, this was perf. How do you do perf?

This obvs isn't a proper review as I cannot do this masterpiece glory rn so this should tide you over until tomorrow ON MY BIRTHDAY...




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jesus fuck twinny there wasn't a fault in this. I especially loved the cameo from the ponds and Amy was all HI and then Mike was shagging Victoire and idek how you somehow got PLL in there but hey I'll take it because it was so amazing and I also go to sit and picture him naked which is a win-win situation. So.

And the ending holy fuck that was out of this world and I loved it because Lucy and Lysander and feelsss and I just love you and thank you for this because it's brilliant and aaargh I just love it. ALSO THE CENTAUR I WANT A BABY MALFORMED CENTAUR.

But you kept the Doctor flawlessly in character too which was so so amazing and gosh I can't even so thank you thank you

thank you and goodnight
ThePaperBagPrincess chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
Well, I have no clue who Mike Montgomery is, but I was imagining Lucy with dark curls like Penelope...

Anyway, Pearl, I adored this, seriously. You have such a way with words, and you grabbed me with the very first line. The more I read, the more I could just see Lucy, overlooked among her cousins, feeling like the one nobody cared about, and taken for granted by everyone (I particularly liked your description of her treatment by her 'friends', and the comparison of Lily's attitude to Harry's). I liked the way you exposed her story, bit by bit, as she actually exposed it to other people, so it felt like you were on her journey with her. Her being Penelope's daughter was a great twist, and it really felt perfect here, even though I'm not a big fan of Percy/Penelope.

I kind of adored how you mixed all the cousins' love stories up to be honest. Like, Lucy's disappearance didn't just change her life, it changed everyone's, and not always in the way you'd expect. I liked that - they way nobody's story was a perfect fairytale, and everything could go wrong, and all the characters had elements of not being completely nice people.

The crossover with Doctor Who worked beautifully too, even though I don't really watch Doctor Who, so I can't comment on that aspect as much. At times, I felt like the centaur story was a little unbelievable and stretched, but then... this is a story about a witch who runs away with an alien in a magic blue box, so really, unbelievable is probably okay... ;) And I did like Lucy's final calling to help creatures abandoned for the way they were born - a bit like her.

And to be quite honest, my favourite part of all? The final pairing. Because although it wasn't given a huge amount of build up, it was given just enough, and somehow it worked, because sometimes love is unexpected and comes out of the blue when you least expect it, and that was the feel of this - it was kind of like she'd left the childish dreams and crushes behind, and found the real thing completely by accident. And then, of course Lucy, the odd one out, the one with no friends at school, ends up with Luna Lovegood's son. Perfect. :)
currents chapter 1 . 6/12/2012

1) This fic was too good.

2) Lucy/Lysander


4) The breaking up of Teddy/Lily

Pearl. Pearl, Pearl, Pearly Perle. Water you doinggggg omfg. I PROTEST. HOW CAN I STILL LOVE THIS FIC.

1 - Teach me how to write like you plz. Just, like a seminar or something, srsly, because this was gorgeous. The plot was fantastic and I loved the deformed centaur but and the RoseScorpiusLucy love triangle. Scorpius was brilliant in this, even if he was a bad guy, because he was a perfect characterization of the guy who finally realises what he was missing out on. Except now she's gone. That was really just brilliant I think. And also, Amy was amazing (as usual) and how understanding and wonderful she was with Lucy really makes me love her character all the more. And Rory and his poor map skills are kind of hilar ngl ;) The Doctor, though, was my favorite. You managed to get his characterization just right which I never seem to be able to do (note that none of my DW fics so have him in them really because of that :P except the unpublished /so far/ one for Ella) and I love him and Lucy's relationship and how he's her first real friend

And the flow of this and the language and the descriptions were all perf. The familial tension was angsty and I LOVE LUCY BEING PERCY AND PENELOPE'S ILLEGITAMITE CHILD ASDFGHJKL THAT IS AMAZING I LOVE ITT

2 - Okay, wow, Lysander. Tbqh, I don't usually make Ly into an animal lover, but I know a lot of people do and that's cool for them, but this is prollz the first time I've ever actually liked that characterization and let me just say that all of your characterizations are flawless k thanks. But Lucy/Lysander why do I like this, totally not okay bro. But Molly was kind of awful (as a person) and I'm just incredibley pleased that Lucy finally got someone deserving of her, rather than falling into Scorpius' arms which wouldve been pathetico

So, yeah, I'm mad at you for making me ship Lucysander

3 - As mad as I am that I didn't get to see Lucy's reaction to River, I think I get why she wasn't in here. Idk why you did it, but personally, I think introducing River as a supporting character would've only been a good plot point if you were trying to change Lucy more than she had in the fic. Lucy became more independent and learned her self-worth and I think that she was perfect in this fic and that River's influence ('cause she's such a bold character) would have made her confrontational with her family and ended with her relationships with them to be less than ideal. Or, less ideal then they already were y'know?

But still. Kinky handcuff smut can be fit in anywhere, Pearl, remember that in life! ;)

4 - WHY AM I GLAD YOU DID THAT. Okay, first time ever actually disliking Lily. Seriously what was this bitches problem, like (wtf am i even saying) poor Vic, I hope she doesn't take Teddy back. Teddy and Lily have never deserved each other more than in this fic, like wtaf. I love Lily when she's a Slytherin!firecracker, or an ice queen, and she doesn't care who she steps on to get her way, but if he leaves her then it's not worth it. Then all that pain Vic felt was for nothing and though, I'm sure she grew because of it, that's just not fair. (I admit that it isn't fair either way, but in my mind this is worse and I'm wierd so yeaaahhh…)

Anyways, lol, I loved this and sorry for the half complete review before lol I really hate reviewing via iPhone, you have no idea how many times this has happened -_-


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