Reviews for Four Years Later
Lia chapter 8 . 10/14/2015
Plez finish your story
Eletta chapter 8 . 6/12/2014
more please. Loved this so dang much! The character portrails are 100% brilliant! Hurry and ! cF
Guest chapter 8 . 6/11/2014
What happend to this one is my favorite
Guest chapter 8 . 11/17/2013
Please I want to see Rohan he so cute!
Kay108 chapter 8 . 11/9/2013
Please update
somebody chapter 8 . 10/27/2013
Great story please continue! !
alex chapter 8 . 7/25/2013
Great writing great plot, I hope you finish this
Alexsabau chapter 8 . 7/11/2013
Guest chapter 8 . 5/9/2013
Please write a chapter 10 PLEASE! This story is getting good! LOL:)
JayLiyah chapter 13 . 4/16/2013
So, I think you did a great job in detailing how much Korra has changed in four years. While she's mature and less impulsive, it seems that she's still holding onto a bit of stubbornness, which is also something I like to see.
I can tell that when you started this story, you already deviated from the Book 2 storyline, seeing as the Fire Ferrets are still (mostly) intact, Mako's still the captain, etc.

I like Yumi, and how she's developed so far, I hope to see more from her. I also like the fact that Bolin, Yumi and Asami are trying to get our lovebirds back together. I don't believe for one second that Korra has completely let go of Mako, as was evident in her questioning him about the police force. And really, she can still have a relationship without sacrificing her duty to the world. Well, part of the fun is seeing that happen.
So, the mysterious kidnappings are driving the plot, makes me wonder who's behind it all... someone that we know? And what would they want with Korra?

Anyways, good start. You just need to find the motivation to continue. I'm thinking because your updates are so few and far in between, maybe you're not getting the kind of feedback you want. I also understand the need to tell the readers what's going on, but doing that by updating with previews and author's notes shouldn't take up a chapter... that's kind of misleading to think you have 13 chapters when it's only 8. This is not a criticism btw, just something for you to think about.
boasamishipper chapter 13 . 4/6/2013
I'm going to try and leave a detailed review today, so here goes nothing.
First off, this is an extremely good story. The first six chapters were flawless, and I get that you have a lot of work outside of Fanfiction. I do too. I know you don't want to hear it, but I hope you update again soon. :)
I have a couple of quibbles. One-Why are these guys targeting women only? When they spied on Korra, they said that they were gonna get Tenzin's family, Asami, Bo, Yumi and Mako.
Second quibble- Skoochy is usually a lot more mysterious than that. It takes bribes to get that kid to talk, so I was surprised Mako got info out of him so quickly.
Other than those quibbles, it was seriously good. I like the plot, the romance, everything. I hope you keep writing this fic.
Question- Are you still taking suggestions and requests? Cuz if you are, I have a suggestion. Bolin should get kidnapped trying to save Yumi from getting kidnapped. Yumi and Bo will get kidnapped and taken to the same place as Korra. Hope that's a good suggestion, if not, that's okay too.
See you next update!
Genderfluid and Green chapter 13 . 4/5/2013
Exciting...*drums fingers together in a perfect replica of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons*
Jonilug chapter 13 . 4/5/2013
That guy does sound familiar, but I can't think of who. Guess I'm watching the series again!
Great job too!
Crazy Cowgirl C chapter 12 . 4/2/2013
Please Update!
Call me Bond James Bond chapter 12 . 12/16/2012
nnnnnnnnoooooooo...why why must you got on away for crishmas
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