Reviews for Daughters
JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
I like this very much. You did a good job of showing how Asami tries to handle so much happening to her and the people she loves. It's well-written and in character.

There was one line that I thought didn't make sense: "Through the search Asami could see Mako had feelings for Korra, and she could ignore it no longer." Then you go and say she tries to ignore it. That seemed a bit contradictory.

I really liked the line that compared Hiroshi's protective look with Mako's. An interesting parallel to draw, since they both comfort her after a loss, but then both kind of betray her (for lack of a better word).
Typhoonmaster chapter 1 . 10/29/2012
This was very believable and insightful. It's hard to pick up what the characters think, but you fleshed out sides of Asami we didn't see in the show. Your writing is beautiful and efficient and you blend past, present, and future into one moment no matter how pedestrian the moment seems
FullMentalPanic chapter 1 . 9/10/2012
I find it very interesting how you speculate over how Asami would have felt guilty over so quickly giving up her father. I mean, it's realistic, but I like you comparing it to how she feels that he father never would have abandoned her no matter what. "Asami realized then that she'd done something she hadn't intended to do; she'd put her faith in Mako, and as result had readily given up her father." I like the way you put this, how it could have been confidence in Mako that helped tipped her over to the non-Equalist side. It also makes me even more aggravated at Mako for running out on her. "The fact that Mako had feelings for someone and didn't even bother to tell her." Yeah, I lost a lot of respect for Mako in the last episodes where he didn't decisively end things with Asami before starting to pursue Korra. I actually really hope that it's a point of conflict in the next season.

I actually disagree with the 'war being more important than petty romance' statement. Especially because Mako still finds time to put the moves on Korra right in the midst of urban warfare, hypocrite. I can see Asami rationalizing it to herself that way though. I really do feel like Asami is one of the best characters on that show (though Lin Bei Fong is probably my favorite), and this was a good take on the things that were going through her head.
TigerstripeCrayon chapter 1 . 6/17/2012
Nicely done! I do like Asami a lot in the show, but it seems to me that everyone is painting her like the villain a little. This fic is great insight into what her thoughts could be, and definitely shine a lot of light on why she could be acting the way she is. You made her very relate-able. So, if I could give you actual applause I would, but I'll have to settle for the virtual variety.