Reviews for Hail Guardian I: Primo
Tatsumaki chapter 14 . 7/13/2016
Finally an update! This chapter was interesting. Can't wait for more primo moments.
FriendlyNeighborhoodBatman chapter 14 . 7/11/2016
Yay another update! I've been waiting for this one for a while! Loved the chapter! I just wish it was longer but I understand you have other stuff to do besides write fanfiction. Can't wait till Primo finds Ciel! Thanks for the update!
Nicole NightLock chapter 13 . 1/6/2016
Wah!~ Please update soon!~ make her be like bad ass ahaha slamming the door open saying no need to find me then suddenly shouts Daemon's name demanding why he left her there to clean up the trash (knock them out).
QuietSilence chapter 13 . 1/4/2016
NO NO NO. JUST NOPE. Why do you make ne feel like this? Now I have to wait for a new chapterBut I will patiently wait until you do cause this is just too entertaining! I never seen a oc and Daemon, or daemon in general have a major role without being a straight-up villian. And Ciel is a very entertaining character. She is snarky but not annoying. So this honestly is a breathe of fresh air
Marie Yoshina chapter 13 . 12/28/2015
please update this too!
Tatsumaki chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
I'm REALLY enjoying this story! Can't wait for more chapters.
Keep up the good work!
Nicole NightLock chapter 12 . 11/9/2015
is a wonderful story... can you make her call Daemon Fratello? And then a 4 hundred yrs. Into the future (Tsu-chan's time) she is still alive (immortal, forbidden love BUT LOVE WILL PREVAIL-Bianchi) when Tsuna is in class she appears and says about little unkown real stories that happened in vongola primo's time and then she is friends with Reborn. When there is the 1st gen. Trials when Yuni is going to school Ciel will again barge in and say "Alright class! I will be your history teacher for today! Today, you will learn the unknown and forcefully removed stories about the vongola! And yuni-chan I know you are a fan of Primo but... he's a flirt. (She said that on purpose because she knows thay Giotto and the 1st gen is there watching.) Giotto will appear and say "Hey! I am not" PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Marvel18 chapter 12 . 8/11/2015
What a coincidence that I was thinking about this story and then I see you updated! That's really cool! I knew I made the right call when I decided to follow this story despite seeing how long it had been since it was updated.
I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. Can't wait to see more of Giotto and Ciel moments like that one :)
Please don't take so long with the next one.
Crunch Berry Baroness chapter 11 . 1/13/2015
Hahaha I love the intimate, steamy scenes with Ciel and Giotto! Great job! I hope to read another update soon!
cincinnatus18 chapter 2 . 12/26/2014
Eeeehh I don't really like Ciel. If she doesn't like children, she must hate herself, because she sure seems like one! Calling a person 'Stranger', isn't it common sense to just ask for the dude's name?

'Disrespectful men'. DISRESPECTFUL? YOU JUST HIT A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD THAT WAS ACQUAINTED WITH THE GUY WHO SAVED YOU, THEY'LL BE RESPECTFUL WHEN YOU ARE! And who wouldn't be disrespectful if a stranger that their boss saved kicked up a fuss just because someone called her old?

And when all those guys attacked her, surely she's not STUPID enough to not be able to defend herself with very basic self defense like punches and kicks. But nooooooooo it's a slap. A slap. Come on! I slap myself all the time!

And when that dude said 'You're Vongola'. She has a mouth she could yell out that she had nothing to do with them and was only the harpist for the party! Instead she struggled, even knowing that her life was on the line!


I'm sorry for my outburst, it's just that I hate weak and petty people like her. Giotto had the grace to take her in and treat her wounds. What does she do? She hits a person that was living with him. What a great way to show her gratitude, that beeotch.
Akina Anika chapter 11 . 11/4/2014
Please update soon it has already been months since you update and I have been rereading your story..update please!
Guest chapter 11 . 9/6/2014
Update please
InLuvWithCandy chapter 9 . 9/2/2014
I love the way you wrote Cozarto and Giotto, maybe... One day Cam you write a story about Cozarto and an OC ?
InLuvWithCandy chapter 7 . 9/2/2014
I always thought this chapter was funny
InLuvWithCandy chapter 11 . 9/2/2014
Please, please, please, please, please update!
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