Reviews for Learning to Smile
Shirah chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
Since there are hardly any Rangiku x Gin fanfictions, I'm glad I was able to read such a good one !

The only thing I dislike is the length of your story, I would have appreciated the story could last a little longer (only because it was so good!). Your summary practically reveals everything happening and gives a little bit away the tension. But - BUT!

This one-shot is so well-written, that I was enjoying myself very much. In my opinion the characters are as they should be, and I really liked your little side blows with which you describe the characters. You write very lively, I could really good imagine what is going on. This was the very first story I read on fanfiction, where I had no troubles to unterstand what is happening during the fights.

Very good work,I hope to read soon another story from you!
Eva Galana chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
This is only one of two het pairings I think makes absolute sense. I love Gin & Ran together - nothing better. And the insights into Gin's rather complicated mindset were nicely done here.
SasuIchi4ever chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
Great story ! Good plot line. i have a gin/rangiku story too. Imust say yours it better maybe if i can figure out my new computer ill post it . Thaks for the great read. ! :D