Reviews for Coming to Terms
Shark Byte chapter 65 . 4/19/2019
So Tomoko is into anime? This wouldn't be a lead-in to a persocom writing a fanfic, would it?

One of the more memorable scenes from the anime, episode 19 (Chi Waits), that scene in the road in the rain with Yumi.

It gets difficult this far along, doesn't it? I'm starting to wonder, is this one of those stories that has the big final drama, or a "slice-of-life" ending...
DovakhiinDreaming chapter 65 . 4/12/2019
I cried. My fucking eyes out.
You are still an amazing author! Don't worry about time lapses, we understand life gets in the way.
And thanks for the shoutout- It really helps! I'm working on the next chapter!
Mortal Guest chapter 65 . 3/9/2019
Two years... but we finally see it. A "mercy kill" I suppose it could be considered, but still unexpected so soon. Not sure if the next event will be portrayed only for emotion, or if there will be "social politicization" of the notion of having a funeral for a persocom. I guess only if it is a big event or attended by a "bigot". RIP Yumi, and "may your memory live on"...
DovakhiinDreaming chapter 64 . 1/28/2019
Where... Where is the rest?
It's amazing, as usual, but I need to know what happens with Rika, and Sansho, and... Everyone.
Are you continuing this?
DovakhiinDreaming chapter 35 . 1/23/2019
Jesus Christ.
Trying not to fangirl here.
They got engaged!
*deep breath*
I'm trying not to let out my excited squeal.
I'm about to graduate too, like Junji just did.
I'm gonna let it out.
DovakhiinDreaming chapter 14 . 1/18/2019
Oh my goodness. Chapter fourteen made my heart drop. Hope Minako is okay! Your characters really grew on me.
I'll stay tuned~
DovahkiinDreamin chapter 2 . 1/17/2019
It's DovahkiinDreaming Again... I'm just too lazy to log on.
I love this story. It's a favorite already! I ship them so hard. This is so well done, much better than my lil 'ol Aitsu. Yours seems... More realistic. Anyways, see ya!
JVOT chapter 31 . 1/10/2019
Time Thing Chobit Puncher . Node . Timer Mania Chobit Punher Walk straight Type, Its summarised 2 second stab through Thing and Explode. Try Pool and Crystal Cards. Timer, I was your Anime Tutor Computer. I have the Thing Labaled No Soul Youth Camp Formula, But that Is Metabots and Gary and Valmar Tio Grandia 2 Automaton. Chemical Face Shape. Also Card Captors and Digimon.
tDAXS chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c3Rtvst0ri1S
EDrf1 chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3OHast0riP2
29gkX chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3RAjst0riNX
rFkBX chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Veri n1c33Ckst0rie7
Shark Byte chapter 64 . 7/2/2018
The Ailinginae stuff required some backtracking, but everything else was easy to just jump right back into. Worth the wait.

In some ways, Satoru and Rika act like they're already married.. although, I see several possible triangles... I'll be watching to see how things go.
Lunar Delta chapter 64 . 6/21/2018
Funny you should post today, I was thinking about this story just yesterday. How could we not see this story through to the end? It's so riveting! Yumi's dream of death was terrifying and really hit an emotional spot for me. Poor Yumi. :( I'm really interested to see how this conspiracy plays out, too. As well as Satoru's potential relationship. :D
Chaos Invoker chapter 64 . 6/21/2018
Excellent, I've waited a long time for this.

Now then..

1) Yep, having Rika get an upgrade would make that ship a lot less awkward. Her refusal to accept Amethyst's help was a nice touch, too. Guess she's still not over Satoru getting that unexpected moment of marshmallow heaven?

2) The subplot with Yumi and Ueda's nearing the trainwreck, I see. That bit was possibly the saddest scene in the anime, and it's building up to be a gut punch here too.

3) And Aurora gets a partner of her own. I thought at first you'd come up with a Betty and Veronica deal with her and Rika and Satoru (which WOULD be fun in its own right), but this turn of events somehow feels more realistic. Considering all the human/persocom pairings already shown in the story, this one feels like a breath of fresh air.
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