Reviews for Candles in the sun
Guest chapter 11 . 9/7/2013
Writeeeee more please
ChrisDoll chapter 11 . 7/27/2013
Please hurry up and write the next chapter! You had me all up in my about Naruto. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Susan Drakian chapter 1 . 3/18/2013
I really liked this, first kiba hinata one that i've read that really sucks you in the first chapter in a long long time.
TheDemonOfTheWindBomb chapter 10 . 1/26/2013
You out did your self on this story Succubus this is the best hinata story I've read. PERIOD! Mega Super Infinite thumbs up!
nyctophobic chapter 11 . 12/7/2012
I started reading this story a while back when there was only about seven chapters out, but then school got busy and I never noticed that the story updated. I'm glad I managed to pick it up again now that I had a little bit of time to spare.

I like how you portray the characters and your writing style is very fluent in my opinion. Keep up the great work! :)
Fanwoman chapter 11 . 11/27/2012
Real life is real; it's okay if you don't have time for make-believe. Thank you for sharing.

Yummy! You make me worry for their health with all that being in the rain, though!

Loved that Neji decided to cover for her!
Writing Bear chapter 11 . 11/24/2012
ahh I'm so glad you are back. I have missed this fic so much. Though you and your cliffhangers, always leaving me in wanting. Please keep writing, I'm sure you'll find the time somewhere. Also excellent job as always with the spelling, punctuation and grammar. And you did an amazing job integrating the flashbacks, it didn't even disturb the natural flow of story so good on you.
AmisaRusso chapter 11 . 11/23/2012
- ahhhhh , I love it ; this story is bringing tears to my eyes ! please continue ASAP
AmisaRusso chapter 10 . 11/6/2012
- omg ; continue ! This is getting GOOD !
yhc chapter 3 . 10/17/2012
Gosh I think the Naruhina is really cute but it makes me feel sorry for Naruto :'(
Fanwoman chapter 10 . 9/6/2012
It is not cool for Naruto, or any guy, to use,"Do you love me?" as an excuse to get into a girl's pants. I'm glad she was able to tell him no and he was able to stop.
Hana returns? An interesting twist...but she has regular eyes, not ones like Kiba and Tsume.
Whoa! Another unexpected twist! That's a bit extreme, which I guess makes sense with him being such a tightass. But what about the festival and Kiba and Naruto and Tenten?
Her Highness Gaki-chan chapter 10 . 9/5/2012
*cries* I have nothing to say to you *hysteric sobs*
Fanwoman chapter 9 . 9/1/2012
Whoa! What a way to start the chapter! How awful!
That Kiba told her to go really says something about his progress, but I sure hope she explains things to him. Even jealous, I can't imagine Kiba saying no to her wanting to be with Naruto for this last days.
Silly me! I'd thought the festival would be all fun and light, not Naruto's last hurrah. I wonder what will happen next!
heartsXkisses chapter 8 . 8/28/2012
i most certainly am going to keep reviewing thanks so much for saying that youre not going to dicontinue this 'cause it doesnt deserve to be, so im going to take your word on that... anyway thanks for letting us all know your predicament and im looking forward to chapter 8 have a great day and i hope that this doesnt interfere in your school studies to much thank you again
happy bryce chapter 9 . 8/30/2012
poor Naruto i hope he gets better (pleas)
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