Reviews for Butterflies
DimmysEpicGoat chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
When I saw the story summary, I did a double take. Shadow? Dying? Isn't he the Ultimate Lifeform? I know that he can die, but still!

So, I naturally clicked on this. I thought that I would probaly find out why Shadow was dying...

I didn't.

But the weird thing is that if this was any other story, I'd get mad about that. But here, while I'd still have liked to know, it didn't matter as much. I only knew three things, he was alone, he was dying, and he was sad.

And that's all that I needed to know.
Cookies chapter 1 . 12/9/2012
This. Is. Beautiful. Just like the butterfly. .
Gamewizard2008 chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Aww. :) Butterflies are so pretty. :)
Marika chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
It is so sad
Lucy Labrador chapter 1 . 6/25/2010
Sooooo sad, i cried when I saw the end of SA2.
BioDragon chapter 1 . 8/17/2006
That was so SA2 was had one of the sadest game ending. Nice work.
Katrina Madd chapter 1 . 12/28/2005
So sad and cool *favs*
Ecea chapter 1 . 7/16/2004
Leave me alone to my pathetic crying*is now crying loudly*

Shadow:so nice. Maria...
Videociraptor chapter 1 . 5/12/2004
o_o ...You're the one who wrote this? I read this before I had an account! _
Poor Shadow... It's original, though. I like it! Very sweet, very poetic... Nice. I don't think I can say much else... except the 'Ah! Oh, it hurts' line sound a little awkward to me, but I think it's just a poetic touch, am I correct?
...I'm really sorry about this, but can I respond to your review? Your email isn't displayed, so... (Well, neither is mine, but only because of evil threatning people who seem to like me... o_o To make it up to you... I don't know, you name it) First off, thanks for the critque! I almost never get critques! YAY!
Thank you for the word 'flashes'! Yeah, that sounds odd... I know lightning doesn't clap, but I was trying to find another word to suit it besides strike and couldn't think of one... x_x
Thank you for noticing the half quotes! I think you're probably the first to notice that! I wrote it that way because Saturnine (the young hedgehog) isn't really talking. I meant to make it look kind of like she was thinking it all, being that everything she says is supposed to be in italics, but my italics won't upload! _ Evil uploader... That's also why the last line ends the way it does... You'll see why in later chapters. _
I know that two people don't speak in the same paragraph... (I'm usually the one telling people that, actually XD) I have to fix that...
You're right... Dripping is a better word...
For the dress quote, I kind of like it the way it is... -_- I don't know why, I just do... ._. Weird...
I'll have to change, the thing about the quills and spines, I have to fix that, too... And last but not least, I put the comma and not 'and' for poetic reasons, but a semicolon might be better...
chao-keeper chapter 1 . 5/5/2004
this story is very touchy, i like it, it makes me... sad, this story is good, oh but one thing... SHADOW IS STILL ALIVE, HE IS THE ULTIMATE LIFE FORM, SHADOW LIVES ON , HE HAS TO, THIS IS A START OF A NEW CHARACTER. SHADOW, SHADOW, SHADOW, but i still think the story is good, but shadow is still alive, i know it he's the best.
white tiger chapter 1 . 10/31/2003
;_;WAH! that was beautiful.
Kyler Rick Wolfe chapter 1 . 10/19/2003
Hi Jaime. Patrick here. This is good. I can just imagine being Shadow, lying there in the forest. I like the part about how the butterfly decided his nose had no nectar. It was kinda funny, but I don't know wether or not you meant to make it funny. But anyway, I feel like I can relate to the story, and that's rare to me.
Kenta Kawada chapter 1 . 9/30/2003
What a great poem/story Jamie you need to post again your presence is needed.
SEGAChuchu chapter 1 . 9/26/2003
Wow, this is great! So touching...

(BTW, this is RabbitsRule4/Laurie... *Was too lazy to sign in* ; )
SonicFrank chapter 1 . 5/18/2003
Hey Spark, this fic was GREAT! Keep up the good work, okay!

SonicFrank: Long live the Blue Hedgehog
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