Reviews for Dark As Rain
Bloody Rainbow chapter 60 . 10/6/2013
While this review is close to 10 years too late...I still feel the need to leave one as this story was just too well done. It's a rare day for me to take interest in a story written in first person point of view, but this was a gem. The flow between points of view was unhindered. The overall all plot was exceptional, grabbed my attention and held it till the very end. I wasn't even half way through this story before tossing onto my favorites list. This was wonderful, thank you for such a well rounded tale. I loved it.
jane chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
"I happen to think his totally arrogant ultra-attitude is cool"

and yet if it was Rinoa we were talking about, she'd be a bitch. gotta love the double standard by yaoi fangirls.
Everything In Its Right Place chapter 20 . 9/23/2006
This fic is super duper amzingly awesome. I wish I had time to read more, but alas it's 7am and my night audit shift is over. But I will read the rest soon and review some more just to remind you, in case you've forgotten, that you kick vast amounts of ass. ;)
Chasyn chapter 9 . 4/30/2006
OMG! Lol! I only got to read until chapter 9 but I thought I'd pop on and say WOW! Love it so far!
Enlightened Reader chapter 60 . 7/16/2005
WOW..WOW..and did I mention...WOW! This was most definately the very best fic I have ever read in my life and I used to read fics daily. I say used to because I lost faith that I would ever find decent fics that had plots and stuff and weren't just about wanting to think of two characters having sex. Your writing is terrific and I must say you have a very good talent for writing in first person narrative, and I enjoyed it, though I usually hate that and prefer third person. The past few days I have been reading a few FF8 fics and they (especially yours) have renewed my faith in fics altogether. I thankfully didn't have to wait for the cliffhangers to be finished, but would have anyways. The OCs were amazingly in-depth and useful in the story and though I haven't played FF8 in FOREVER, to my knowledge the characters were kept in character for the most part. I think I enjoyed it the most though because it is my second favourite pairing in FF8 fics, (the first being Zell x Irvine) and it was moving. I swear to all things holy and some things that aren't so holy, that my heart literally wrenched when Zell got upset...I seriously cried many times for many different reasons, and the humour was placed in all the right places. It wasn't totally unrealistic compared to many fics I have read and that made it more enjoyable. I think this is like my fifth review of my life and I hope you like it even though it is probably coming so much later than the story was written. Also I would like to extend a special thank you to your wonderfully masterful muses of Super Wonderful Awesomeness and personally I think that they desvered to be treated like royalty as well as yourself. Considering this is getting long and I haven't slept in two days due to reading your fic, I think it is time for me to go to bed. I promise to review every chapter the next time you write an FF8 fic (if it happens). Well good-night and good-luck with everything that you do.
Ja-Kha'jay chapter 60 . 9/16/2004
Wow. After the better part of 2 days behind the computer screen, I have finally finished reading your fic. And what a fic it was too. You have inspired me. There were times when i thought I'd stop reading because it looked like it would turn into a SquallXSeifer fic, but i hung in there and was rewarded. I love the story, not just for my fave pairing, but for the way it was written, and wow man, it was great. And sooner or later I'll read the non-censored version, coz thats not the sort of thing a want university administrators looking at. lol. Anyhoo, this was a great fic, and one of the best I've read so far.
Ja-Kha'jay chapter 9 . 9/14/2004
Hey there, this is a great story so far. And with my fave pairing too! So hard to find... *sigh* Anyhoo, I'm off to class and will read this rest later. Looking forward to it!
HyperChibiHuzzah chapter 60 . 3/12/2004
*sobs* It's over now? Such a great fic and it deserves to be in a fic hall of fame. I love that you patched things up with Zell and Squall. _ Although I'll miss Laguna, you wrote him so well... and your OC's were so good too. *gives you a gold plushie for awesomest fan fic* I know awesomest isn't a word but feh... I can't believe its over...Will you write more? Not specifically FF8, but any other anime/game? I'll be sure to keep reading your stuff cause its so incredible!
We...*eats a chocolate nugget*
Koufukuron chapter 60 . 3/10/2004
Well, can't say I wasn't expecting that one - although it did take me back a little. Great- now you've left me longing for more again. ;_;
That said, great sex. But like Zell wondered, it's almost too much sex. Then again, we know how horny they are. *waves videotape"
"And there’s a lot more where that came from, baby!" - hehehe, in typical Zell fashion. You still write a good one even in the last chapter - I've seen a few where the author goes OOC just because it's the last chapter, so I'm glad you ended on a very fitting note. And Squall's ending sounds so much like him - pretending to be confident, to be unaffected, and yet he still betrays it all. Excellent.
Not to nitpick, though, but I find it a little weird that Rinoa, who urged them to develop their relationship, wasn't here to see the hyphen, the pause being drawn. But there's been enough Rin-rin in the last few chapters, so I think that quite makes up for it.
I'll be waiting to see your works in the FFVI section again - thank you for a really great read. It's been fun and most enjoyable. _
myeerah chapter 60 . 3/10/2004
Yay! What a sweet finale. . . I just love it when I'm wrong. :D
The only thing I still wonder about is Silver and her crush on Zell. Did she come out of her perpetual denial while I wasn't looking or are we assuming that, like all school-girl crushes, it'll take care of itself?
Either way, congratulations on finishing this monster of a story-and thanks for the ride. :)
Zeto chapter 60 . 3/9/2004
Aw, no! It's over!
It was so well-done and I enjoyed every single chapter but-but it's...done! Finished! No more good fic-ness!
Very nice conclusion though. Exceptional work, as usual. _
Jenihenpen chapter 60 . 3/9/2004
*Screams with glee then bursts into fits of sobs* That was *hiccup* Just friggin *hiccup* fabulous Scutter *sniff sniff*.
I couldn't possibly have hoped for a better ending and actually had clamp my hand over my mouth to stop me from squealing like a five year old when Zell and Squall said their public goodbye at the end. _ I'm going to miss reading updates for this fic something awful, as it's really made me grin so much ever since I started reading it. *Humongous deathgrip huggle* Take care dude, may our paths cross again some time for another mind blowing fic of yours _~
Koufukuron chapter 59 . 2/19/2004
Hmm... another Elvoret-like creature. Ah well, those make the best things for huge evil monsters anyway. ;;
Hehe... Laguna and his slippers. Imagine what that would be with his musical socks. Scary. The Cid and Squall interaction is excellent, very much like in-game speech itself. Please tell me there are still a few chapters to wrap this up with - the plot twist needs to develop. ;;
HyperChibiHuzzah chapter 59 . 2/13/2004
Woo! Another great chapter that I love! I love the Cid and Squall interaction, the character development in your fic is great. I've told all my friends to read this story, its that good! I was wondering though, yesterday I checked your bio to see if you had updated and it said that there were 59 chapters, but cicking on the story and scrolling through the chapters, it only went to 58, which confused me...*hands you a Miyavi plushie* Keep up the good work and keep writing!
myeerah chapter 59 . 2/13/2004
*plays accordian music to accompany your evil dance* Yeah. . . I think ol' Zell's about to skedaddle. A little time apart for both of them to work out their own issues might just be what they need.
Whichever way it goes, it's been a great ride getting here. :) Congrats to you!
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