Reviews for Jupiter Jazz
Hare and Heron chapter 15 . 11/18/2015
I think I might name my firstborn after you.
It's really amazing how much I smiled with this (and cried, too); with Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier running all over the galaxy after each other; with every new blow or kick at Charles, and with every time they thought the other was dead; with every time someone said Marvin's full name, and everytime I smiled like a freak with Charles and Erik being so disgustingly, tenderly in love with the other. With Wade, and Logan and Scott and Tony and Steve. With the Heartsteel.
I'm just really glad you wrote this. Thanks.
Elita One chapter 15 . 6/25/2015
Dude this fic was awesome!
Looks like your going to continue with another,cant wait.
guest23 chapter 15 . 12/21/2014
Simply amazing
Life's a dream chapter 1 . 5/3/2014
Omg! I seriously thought that this was going to be like the ending of US, but...
Thank you so much for this story, I've been good to both this and space jam the entire weekend. I really just want to thank you both for your amazing writing. I more than loved it!
sidka chapter 15 . 4/13/2014
Amazing simply amazing what a wonderful story! I have truly enjoyed the ride I can't wait for more!
JBubbles chapter 15 . 3/9/2014
Amazing! I was heartbroken last chapter but thankyouthankyousomuch for asking us to read the Epilogue! That was truly twisted and uplifting :D
MaestroANC chapter 15 . 2/22/2014
You have no idea how high my cat jumped when I squealed like a little girl to know that Erik and Charles are still all cuddly and alive :')
Wonderful work 3
Guest chapter 15 . 2/21/2014
I'm standing at the bus stop grinning like a moron because even though I had a feeling you wouldn't kill off Erik and Charles, it still makes me very happy that you didn't. This was a lovely story, filled with a lot of awesome moments. While I'm sad to see if finished, I can't wait for the next story!
MaestroANC chapter 13 . 2/18/2014
This is just getting more AWESOME!
Totally worth reading when I am suppose to be asleep XD
Guest chapter 13 . 2/18/2014
Goddamn, that was intense.
MaestroANC chapter 12 . 10/18/2013
O_O Well looks like someone is going to get a robot arm soon :O
Jote Aesa chapter 11 . 9/22/2013
Hello! I couldn't remember if I had already reviewed for this chapter so I thought meh I'll review again.

Oh my days! I did a mental squeal (I should be asleep, I have work shhh) When I read the part with Loki, mainly because I heart him haha. I could just imagine a debate between Loki and Tony, I'm pretty sure my mind would explode haha. Aaah Phil! If I could hug the man I would, I like Phil because he's nice but in a no nonsense sort of way which makes me think who really wears the trousers between him and Fury, because I'm seeing Prince-Power here XD

Bah! *shakes fist* Marko's! If I was there, they'd be taking with very high voices while I pat Charles' head, poor Charles, I have many feels for him but all I can shout at my laptop screen is "Hold on Charles! Don't get eaten by monsters! Erik is on his way!"

Also I wonder if Erik knows the full name to Marvin? It makes me giggle to think of Erik saying : Bright Morning Sun Rising Over the Tall Craggy Mountains While the Silvery Mist Curls Gently Through the Trees on a Light Breeze that Wafts the Smell of the Cooling Pie Sitting on the Windowsill Throughout the Entire Log Cabin.

It's just so funny to imagine!

Anywho before I ramble a little too much

I can't wait for the next chapter :)

uchiha.carol chapter 11 . 8/11/2013
I loooooooooove this fic and this universe *0*
Very excited to see how it ends
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2013
Oh dear lord this makes me have the feels - Cherik all the way!
MaestroANC chapter 11 . 6/4/2013
If I was Erik I would just go back to sleep and pray that it would be all just a horrible dream XDXD
Glad you updated :D
I'm surprised Kurt appeared and Charles is all freaking cool like, but it sad to know that he is so heartbroken and just does not care if he lives or die :'(
I'm super happy that Wade and Loki is in this chapter, made me squeal like a little girl for a while XD
I wonder how Roger's reaction will be to Tony's call, it would be so adorable :')
I see you included the almost most-poker faced person, Phil Coulson with all his humble cuteness _
Hope to see more soon :D

Oh yeah, and I hope the Nyrulians get eaten by a giant black hole of fire :(
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