Reviews for Love of Mine
PickingViolets chapter 5 . 9/4/2012
Seriously? You've become one of my favorite authors. I actually write a lot more than I read on this site, but when I want to settle down with my iPad and relax to some fluffy goodness I go straight to your page :) You are officially the first ever author that I am favoriting. Kudos on some fabulous writing!
Writing Memories chapter 5 . 8/15/2012
That was so, so cute! I love when I read chapters of storys like this, they are just to adorable :) Great chapter :)
luverofjamesandlily chapter 4 . 7/31/2012
That was cute! And I'm glad Kurt didn't get angry and take it out on Blaine. Loved it!
galindaby chapter 4 . 7/31/2012
This. Is. Too. Cute. For. Words. Exactly what I've been hoping for when I said I wanted to read her saying Papa xD I just love you 3 Also, I wondered if there was a reason Kurt called her honeybee out of all terms of endearment possible... ;)
Love you! 3
xoVal03 chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
This was super cute. Loved it ! :)
valia chapter 3 . 7/26/2012
really beautiful
galindaby chapter 3 . 7/26/2012
Oh Blainers. This is too cute. Now I have daddy!Klaine feels xD And the line from OS - ouch. Right in the feels xD Love you! 3
Writing Memories chapter 2 . 6/29/2012
So happy you did another chapter :) I love the fanfictions of them being dad's and I also really love Cooper. Really sweet, adorable chapter :)
yourprettyprettypetticoat chapter 2 . 6/29/2012
I'm so glad you continued this, thankfully I just stumbled upon it again - but now I'm definitely alerting it. This was so good, well done and keep up the good work :)
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29/2012
i love uncle Cooper! The idea of making a multi chapter fic is great.
galindaby chapter 2 . 6/29/2012
This is too cute for words. I literally squealed at my laptop when they came home and Nellie said Dada. I also sort of melted into a puddle in front of the screen at least six times because if there's anything cuter than Cooper with Nellie, it's Kurt and Blaine with her. And now I sort of hope you write another chap where she says Kurt's name for the first time (possibly happening amidst other stuff, but I really want to read that xD) ;) Since I'm your inspiration and all that jazz it might strikes a chord with you xD
I love you and this story and grrr. Stop making me feel all those feelings... oh wait, no, don't. They're very good daddy!Klaine-feelings. Those are allowed ;)
PS: I think it mainly belongs in here because it's very much daddy!Klaine still :) Let's just say everything before Nellie is Brothers and everything after comes here ;)
BloodRedLust chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Oh Oh, that was absolutely beautiful. My daddy!klaine heart just exploded with love for this beautiful little fic. I LOVE Nellie so much already, and you have written them all so perfectly!

Any chance of giving us a sequel, or making this into a chapter fic? More more more!

Love you! BRL
Writing Memories chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
So, so adorable. I loved it :)
galindaby chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
I've got two things to say to this:



You turned me into an incoherent mess with this and I almost shed a few tears xD This is just so very beautiful. I can imagine them just like this. Too bad the link's not really working :( I'd have loved to see the picture :)

Anyway, this is one of the best daddy!Klaine fics I've ever come across, honestly. Maybe you could continue in this verse and add some of your Cooper and life would be perfect ;)

Love you (and this fic),

yourprettyprettypetticoat chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
I love daddy!klaine too and this definitely has to one of my favourite one-shots in the genre. Thank you for uploading, it was great.
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