Reviews for His Golden Eyes
laelruin chapter 7 . 1/13/2019
LOL! Its amazing what a stick of incense can do! I loved this version of events! (In the live action movies/director's cut of the anime - I don't remember which...- the ending left something to be desired. It sounds like you've seen it and had the same commitment issues crop up in your conscience too.) I love that there is a reconciliation of the two halves of Kenshin.
Great work!
YokaiAngel chapter 7 . 11/26/2017
TReneeM chapter 7 . 1/29/2017
i loved this its so cute. you should make more stories. this was an awesome one.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/23/2015
This is amazing! I love it! I love battousai haha he's more passionate than the rurouni
satomika chapter 7 . 8/27/2014

Although yes, I was really hoping saito was included here
ZuryHimura chapter 7 . 12/31/2013
Oh I loved yor fic. Keep up the good work girl!
lightning-storm chapter 3 . 12/2/2013
Just found this story, and I don't think it's quite as Ooc as you think. Not bad
clairebear2319 chapter 7 . 10/19/2013
Aww. So cute:3 I loved this soo much! You are an excellent author:)
meguhanu chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
i love this fanfic. i always read it when i want some B?K romance
Raina Darlig chapter 7 . 8/5/2011
That was a good story!

I liked it.

Good job!
skenshingumi chapter 7 . 1/15/2011
I read this ages ago and recently rediscovered this story. I enjoyed your take on the darker side of Kenshin and I liked how each half of his personality distrusted the aspects of his other half not to hurt Kaoru. Still fun and sweet after all these years.
noname00 chapter 7 . 4/21/2010
I cant believe I missed this fic whenever I searched for old completed wrk, well better late then never and btw the fic was great Though this fic was somewhat familiar
t42n24t2 chapter 7 . 11/21/2009
I just found this story, read it, and found it to be beautiful. Thank you for such a wonderful tale.
mannd1068 chapter 7 . 10/16/2009
I liked this, but every once in a while you were missing words to make the sentence make sense.
Jiyoung chapter 1 . 4/19/2009
It was good, but honestly, it's not very wise to use so many Japanese words if you are unfamiliar with the language. You used a lot of unimportant words like "iie" and "demo", but left out the more important ones like "de gozaru" and "sessha" (Kenshin never goes back and forth between "I" and "sessha", which is what you did. It's really inconsistent).

Good morning is spelled "ohayou" by the way, not "ohiyo".
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