Reviews for Let's get rocking!
xXxTophxXx chapter 7 . 8/13/2017
I'd like to see more ItaSasu hot stuff in the future :)))
KawaiiSasuke chapter 7 . 3/30/2015
Oh my god this fic is amazing... Itachi needs to loosen up ;) I hope he and Sasukes relationship 'improves' soon ;)
Robin the bird chapter 7 . 3/29/2015
More please!That was really hot!I wish Itachi didn't freak out and just gave in to his lust. Can't wait for the denial and drama! XD
NoelleisParadise chapter 7 . 3/29/2015
Im so happy you finally updated. I cant wait to see how you continue the plot. :)
Phoenix-Nox-Lover chapter 7 . 3/19/2015
Guest chapter 7 . 3/15/2015
Itachi and sasuke are so cute!
Looking forward to 'drama and denial and shit'
rainbowlover25 chapter 5 . 9/19/2014
Itachi and Sasuke always a fun couple to play with! Can't wait to read what happens next!
0blivi0nAgility chapter 5 . 8/14/2014
I love the plot and the ItaSasu, please update!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/23/2014
Oh wow
This needs to be finished!
NoelleisParadise chapter 5 . 6/1/2014
Dundundun! Caught redhanded!xD please update again real soon
Jacqueline Spicer chapter 3 . 3/13/2014
Holy shit. Itachi's in deep water now!

I'm so into this, there for a moment I forgot it was just a story. XD

I can't wait to read more and do hope you update soon! :D It's a wonderful story.
dark-wings20 chapter 3 . 8/16/2012
Hm, sounds like Itachi's in denial and that newspaper headline isn't going to help much...
Can't wait for the next one.
NoelleisParadise chapter 3 . 8/14/2012
Oh no! Poor itachi. :o please update again soon. :)))
NoelleisParadise chapter 2 . 8/8/2012
Please update again soon. I'm liking the plot twist so far :)
DoNTbESCaREd chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
Ive always liked this plot and I hope you keep updating! :)
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