Reviews for The Human Strikes Back
MMTyler chapter 38 . 4/5
Badass Bella. Amazing Story!
marymary123 chapter 38 . 3/22
Loved it everytime I read it.
Elisabeth123 chapter 23 . 3/16
Reading chapter 23 headed “ EDWINS POV” haha haha love it!
Elisabeth123 chapter 19 . 3/16
Reading chapter 18 (actually reading this story for the 2nd time such a great story) Loving the whole Edwin, GQ etc. So many funny lines.
denyana chapter 38 . 2/13
Great story, I liked how Bella's character evolved and how the story progressed.
Purple Myst chapter 38 . 12/5/2019
Write more Jason Connolly and Bella Swan stories... I totally love this pairing!
Roxhall1 chapter 38 . 12/2/2019
freaking LOVE this!
NegansGirl2020 chapter 24 . 10/20/2019
While I am enjoying your story it seems rather contradictory bella breaking up with edward and leaving forks because she didnt want any part of the supernatural life yet is more then willing to have the vamps at her wedding! She loves jason yet wont let the wedding be in Jason's home city? it has to be on her terms !
B4bidden chapter 38 . 8/25/2019
wasn't sure if I would like this story. had it downloaded for ages and finally read it 2nite. have to say nobody should make the mistake I did, read it as soon as you get it is so worth it! absolutely amazing piece of work. can't wait yo check more work out by this writer
Lovely Black Butterfly chapter 33 . 4/9/2019
Why does everybody write Edward as a stupid cocky self-centered bastard? I mean I know that he is and I am by no means an Edward fan, but does he have to be so blatantly stupid? LOL LOL!
Lovely Black Butterfly chapter 17 . 4/8/2019
HAHAHAHAHA! That was the funniest ish EVERRRRR! A Paintball war? REALLY?
Guest chapter 38 . 4/3/2019
Kristina777 chapter 38 . 3/26/2019
I really liked this story, it was very good especially for a first try. Thank you for sharing.
crazyKate92 chapter 38 . 3/25/2019
Great story!
crazyKate92 chapter 5 . 3/25/2019
Lol. Way to be subtle Charlie. Haha
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