Reviews for The Cycle Continues
Tsukimine12 chapter 2 . 10/23/2012
Cuteee :33
Hope you continue it!
Bye xD
W0lfsong chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
Love this X3
TheStoryWizard chapter 2 . 7/23/2012
Nice Chapter, I don't think the pairing of Suki and Zuko makes any sense though all she said was "I'm worried about you" I didn't see any hint of romance whatsover. Personally I think Zuko will end up back with Mai at the end of Promise Part 3.
Sokka and Toph on the other hand, Toph has always liked Sokka and I'd Ship that.
Abbl2 chapter 2 . 7/22/2012
Awwww! That is so sweet! I love it! I honestly wasn't expecting u to update, but I'm so glad u did! I love how attached they r getting to her. It's adorable.
Alapest chapter 2 . 7/21/2012
I love!
Abbl2 chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
:''''( tears of sadness and tears of joy. extreme sadness for Aang, and sweet happiness for Korra. this story brought me some kind of closure with the whole Aang dying thing. still breaks my heart though.
Sanityisnotmything chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
I thought it was good. Liked it a lot
jordygirl chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Tears. Ugly crying.
Dark at Noon chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Awww... Dunno if to cry or smile...
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
(Sorry for the 'anon.' review; in a rush to head out real quick and can't on my iPod as I write this :p So also excuse any hurried spelling mistakes lol)

This was a really interesting take upon how Aang had inevitably passed. It showed a lot of attention to even the most miscellaneous of details, canon and otherwise.

About the only thing I could say was a 'negative,' so to speak, was that Kya is their oldest, not Bumi. Bumi's the middle child, in truth, and of course, as we all know, Kya is the only daughter, etc. The bit about him being Iroh's father we can just leave up for grabs since we don't honestly know diddly about anyone else outside of the 'Team Korra' bubble, offspring wise, for now. But it WOULD be nice if Bumi HAD ended up marrying one of Zuko's daughters, if he had any, and birthed Iroh II into the world. :)

Also, the bit about Aang being sure the next Avatar would be female. It doesn't honestly seem to alternate between genders at all, where element is concerned, as Avatar Roku was obviously male and a firebender, and the Fire Avatar before him was also male. And then before him was a male Earthbending Avatar, so it was still 'male,' then 'male.' About the 'only times' in recent history, at least and what we know for sure, when it went 'female, male, female' was between Airbending Avatar Yangchen, girl, then Waterbending Avatar Korruk, and then Earthbending Avatar Kyoshi, girl. And then that unnamed/unknown Waterbending Avatar female, then an unnamed/unknown Airbending Avatar male, and then an unnamed/unknown Firebending Avatar female.

It really does seem to so far, and again, what we're currently aware of, favor more of a male to female ratio where Avatars are concerned, and doesn't honestly favor a male, female, then male again, and then female, again pattern, either, the way it always does (pattern wise) with the elements for the new Avatar, cycle wise.

Personally, though, I like it that way, that it isn't contingent upon gender, what Avatar will become next, just like real life. Luck of the draw and all that. :) But it'd still be nice to encounter a lot more female Avatars. LoL

Anyway! Honestly, though, it really did flow rather nicely and could be believable as a "this was really how it went down for Aang before he passed" canon-tie in. At least HE'D gotten to do so peacefully, unlike poor Roku../

So, well done, again, and no, this is far from a flame or anything like that, so no worries (especially since I don't personally do those, anyway). :) Into my faves this goes!

xXSymmetryXx chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
This literally had me in tears. Like, really. Geez people are gunna think im SUPER emotional D: If people want to REALLY feel the words and emotions, they need a soft sad song with this :') I had mine, and it REALLY got me. Love this. 3
Jokermask18 chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
Very nice. Aang's last words were bad-ass.
Bebeba chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
So sad and cute
Fuschiaphoenix chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
Great story!