Reviews for To Start a Fire: vol 1
lilacfang chapter 12 . 7/6
I had to go through all your other stuff. I feel that your work deserves way more praise even though you have plenty of it. Your writing is very captivating and sticks with me more than most published works. Your knowledge on physics and philosophy is very curious too. You sound like an extremely interesting person and it manifests through your work. :) take care, and I hope you never stop updating/writing.
guest chapter 12 . 3/1/2019
can't WAIT for the sequel to this story!
OstaraNight chapter 12 . 10/28/2018
Each of these are so good, and I find myself wanting to see so many turned into fill length multi chapter pieces! Sooo goood!
winnyz chapter 2 . 9/19/2018
Really nice one!
justanotherfan chapter 12 . 9/4/2018
"If you say it's okay, I'll give you everything I have."

RIP MY SHIKATEMA HEART. This last chapter is my absolute favorite. She's his, and he's hers. And things can be troublesome and annoying, but I refuse to believe that Shikamaru Nara will deny Temari anything. While Temari can be cold and intimidating, she would always hold reserve a special smile for Shikamaru. This is the kind of slow burn I imagine Shikatema would have and I absolutely love this.
Ayami chapter 3 . 12/17/2017
I love Comming up tails and this chapter in particular. I am curious as to what will happen when Temari move in. Generally I love your work. But it frustrates me when they are so sad(just showed how good you are) anyways, I hope you'll continue to write more ShikaTema. Thanks for the writing
7happybears chapter 12 . 11/7/2017
I love your writing so much!
ParrishGranger chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
So good! can't wait for part 2
donutlovestea chapter 12 . 7/18/2017
Oh man I love all of these! Love your writing style, plots and characterisation. Somehow some of the stories really felt incomplete to me to the point that I was annoyed that you stopped at that particular setting/moment, but I guess that's why we keep coming back for more right? Thank you and please please continue writing!
Guest chapter 12 . 2/18/2017
okay maybe this is my favorite. i love it. i love it. i can't wait for part2. this was so good. i want more. i want his story. i love ionichi. i love shikamaru's development. i loved the confession. i love her relationship with choji and ino. yes yes YASS
Guest chapter 11 . 2/18/2017
it's not complex. you're not an item to be won and sex isn't a game i wanted to play. god i love this. somehow it's different than your usual version of shikamaru yet also is so... RIGHT. like it's always simple and he wants nothing to be complicated or active. he's like, oh, i dig her, lemme tell her that's it. it's easy. (even with the: don't get me wrong, i burn for you. i've thought about that line a lot for years)
Guest chapter 10 . 2/18/2017
god i want more of this. i love detective. i hope they really fall in love. or just had amazing sex and think about it forever after that
Guest chapter 9 . 2/18/2017
too upsetting. too depressing. nope noppe nope
(except too good...)
Guest chapter 8 . 2/18/2017
honestly this is my favorite (easily) of any canon-divergent piece you've ever done. it's so sad, but so real. it's like in a war suddenly a relationship that might have been more complicated, doesn't become that way. they become easy because everything else is so hard. i love it, even though it is so sad. i can really see this being canon (of course we know now it isn't), but this just seems so legit
Guest chapter 7 . 2/18/2017
i never watch city hunter... maybe i should? i'm always interested in post-break up shikamaru and then jealous shikamaru because of course he would be passive in that but then active in jealousy. i so see that.
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