Reviews for Of Fathers and Butchers
The 25th Doctor chapter 3 . 7/22
... Don't deny it!
The 16th Doctor chapter 1 . 7/22
If your Mom looked like Narcissa...
Aya Diefair chapter 3 . 6/1/2013
*picks jaw up off the floor* That first half was utterly terrifying! Dear lordy lord. A moment ago I was squeeing about peacocks and now I can't get that image of Bellatrix dead in the tub out of my head. *shakes head a bit*

Ahem...what a nightmare! And what a sweet ending to it all, thank heavens. I was getting worried there for a moment, not knowing which way was up and everything. That, my friend, is how I like to feel after a good damn read. Well done! Well done! This one is going into my community batch for sure!
Aya Diefair chapter 2 . 6/1/2013
Oh my, this is quite a piece so far! I think I might've squeed a little when Bellatrix transfigured the mice into the peacocks. That was just most precious.

Lucius catching young Draco spying on his mum and aunt was very ... hmm, very daunting. That poor little boy and what a twisted fucked up Lucius. Gah. Despite the dark, morbid situation it was an impressive and lucid read. Onto the next chapter I go!
16clumsyandshy chapter 3 . 2/6/2013
Whoa. Leave it to cleaver, right? I had to take a big tension-shit at the end of this. Especially after the mind fuckery with the dreams and all that. But let's focus on what's important here: Narco. And a fat hot dose of it. Like going to the clinic for my fix. Why aren't more people writing it? Why aren't more people reading it? These questions and more answered tonight...on...60 Minutes. So super good. I'm going to play catch up with your other work!
16clumsyandshy chapter 2 . 2/6/2013
Oh my shit in a shoe! The Decemberists?! And Narco?! It's too good to be true! It's like an episode of Glee dipped in cotton candy and wrapped around Tom Felton's dick with Xanax sprinkled on top! And plus also it's scary! Squee!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/22/2012
Im sorry but this is a little too perfect c;
BeautifulDisaster123 chapter 3 . 7/10/2012
Wow, what an amazing story, I loved this!
BeanQueen chapter 3 . 7/6/2012
Twisted and genius. You write a very unique Draco...and a very open Narcissa. It creates an oddly disassociated relationship between them. It's really interesting. But your dreamscapes and images are just wicked. I want to see more Dracissa from you!
BeanQueen chapter 2 . 7/6/2012
Crane Wife? Best Decemberists album ever! And a cool idea for this song. I also love the origin of the Malfoy peacocks here - very original and a nod to Draco's innocence. Also the interactions between Bella and Narcissa are engaging and realistic. And again, bastard Lucius makes an appearance. Demonized yet again!
BeanQueen chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
Really well-written voyeurism! And a believable child Draco - not the wunderkind you sometimes see him portrayed as, or the 'child of the corn.' I like to think he started this way, like most kids, and was corrupted later, like most adults. And I like the 'Bastard Lucius' route you've chosen. Seems natural to me. And your Narcissa is pristine.
mrs.milfoy chapter 3 . 7/6/2012
Oh, yeah... Liquid hot pouring and exploding Malfoylavacest! Run, islanders! Brown chicken brown cow... Awesome. Very nice first time Dracissa - and I'm like a Dracissa first-time afficianado. I'm a connoisseur of mother/son introductory sex, I guess. And this one has a nice buttery flavor with crisp notes of blackberry at the tip of the tongue. Complex, but not cloying. And a bouquet that's a bit... well... fishy and sweaty. But hey, what do you expect, right? Chilling dream sequence, too - and I love the little 80's horror movie 'I'll be back' cleaver at the end. I suddenly heard "ch-ch-ch - ha-ha-ha..."
mrs.milfoy chapter 2 . 7/6/2012
His secret pets... That's a sweet boy. I hate that is father is a leeching black hole sucking life and happiness like Megamaid. Though it is a great representation of Lucius - in all his demonic glory. It's one of my favorite ways to read him. I also adore pre-Azkaban Bella here! I like that you show this tenderness in her that dissipates over time. Also some brilliant imagery at work here - very haunting, the idea of a dementor-esque Lucius Malfoy creeping up in my window... Yeah. Sleeping on the couch tonight...
mrs.milfoy chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
This is just beautiful. I love the song. It fits: haunting and subtle. And I like this Draco, too. Such a sweet boy... Too bad he grows up to be a spoiled sexy prat! Looking forward to seeing what happens when Bella babysits. I certainly don't expect to find her on one of those babysitting websites anytime soon. Nice work with Lucius, too - what a douchebag. But I do find it quite believable that he feared Bellatrix, and that he had good reason to. As usual, well done. You write Draco with your usual...skill. Like that old song says, "Nobody does it better."