Reviews for Paradigm Shift
King of Fans chapter 1 . 6/30/2017
ok it is time Bakura to pay rent, by getting rid of tom.
jaythekoala chapter 15 . 3/16/2017
Bit of a pity about the lack of a sequel... but honestly this works just as well as a once-off story. Great idea giving Ginny the Ring - she's an underused character in fanfiction. And the writing made the two worlds work together, which is rare in crossovers. Thanks for sharing.
Angelia White chapter 5 . 4/15/2013
Short? If this is what you call short I would hate to see what you call long! Plus if this is short then my chapters are positively miniscule!
Nonie Redd chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
So I read this as fast as I could! I loved it! And I'm hoping that there is another one? Please!
kazikamikaze24 chapter 15 . 1/30/2013
An interesting story, though I was hoping for Ginny to get Osiris to be honest. Red on red is SO exotic it isn't even funny!
ByeByeBriar chapter 15 . 11/18/2012
This is really good. I like how you have handled each character and Ginny is awesome.
Lily of the Shadow chapter 15 . 10/12/2012
It was a good ride, and while I'm sad to hear there won't be a sequel, I understand. You left it in a good spot, I think. Thanks for an excellent story, nevertheless! Cheers :)
Osireia chapter 15 . 10/9/2012
Hey there! Long time no see :) Thank you for writing this finishing chapter. I hope how it is when another idea consumes you, or you run out of passion for a current story (I'm afraid I'm guilty as charged). Taking those two things into account, I thought this was a pretty good wrap up; most of my main questions were answered, and while this does suggest a sequel, there weren't too many threads. Plus, you didn't skimp on the characterization, which is great!

I'd love to hear what you had planned for the sequel! If you could PM me, that would be awesome :) I'm going to keep you on my author alerts, because this story has been such a gem for me.
Serendipital chapter 15 . 10/8/2012
No offense, but this...doesn't seem like a good ending. Even if there were to be a sequel, it isn't. There are too many loose ends, even for a series, and it just ends flat. I've loved it so far...but the ending is what really disappointed me.

I'd like a summary of what would happen, please. Although, I do hope you write it someday!
Lily of the Shadow chapter 14 . 8/30/2012
Wow, this is intense. You're exceptional at writing duels-its one of the harder aspects of YGO fics, in my opinion. I'm anxious to see the outcome!
Esmeraude11 chapter 13 . 8/22/2012
Nice chapter they should really tell about the Tri-Wizard Tournament and the Dragons. Do you think Kaiba would be pissed at their treatment or interested in the reserves?
Osireia chapter 11 . 8/11/2012
Two hours of cross country? You must be so fit and disciplined! I've been trying to increase my endurance with intervals on the treadmill, but I don't think I'll ever have the patience to run for so long (even with music)! Props to you :p

Anyway, I'm sort of snickering at the whole idea of Yami and Harry becoming best friends. It's so typical! They're in many way very standard heroes, so it makes so much sense that they'd recognize a "kindred spirit". Harry's awkward almost-bowing moment was cherry on the top (though now that I think about it, in ancient Egypt, everyone but, say, the vizier wasn't allowed to meet the pharaoh's eye, and pretty much everyone had to throw themselves on their hands and knees to bow when they first met him. Lol, now *that* would be Awkward).

I like the development in the extremely complex, horrible, yet oddly touching (at times...definitely at times...) relationship between Bakura and Ginny. It reminds me of how great of a writer you are. I think most people either go for an all out hatred/angst, or shoot to the other extreme, and make it all hearts, rainbows, and bunny rabbits. I like how you blended it here, so you can feel both the hatred, the (reluctant) attachment, and the confusion and guilt that all those emotions bring about. Great pacing, too. I didn't ever think it felt rushed :)

Dumbledore seems to be up to his...well, I hesitate to say "machinations" or "manipulations" because those have negative connotations, but in any case, I'm curious to see what that wily headmaster knows. Perhaps Harry and Ginny will end up exorcising evil(er)!Marik and Yami will have a much easier time in the finals? We'll see!

Looking forward to your next installment! Happy writing :D
Osireia chapter 10 . 8/7/2012
AHHHHH! Yes, you did break my poor heart! Heheh, okay, just kidding. I'm sure there will be a happy ending, so I'll live :P Besides, it rather nice to know that you're an author who won't pull punches when they're needed. This was a pretty intense chapter, what with a main character dying (lol, no "contractual immortality" here!) and Harry's appearance. Not to mention magic, both the reveal of it and the fact that evil(er)!Marik can use it as well. I'm very curious to see how this will be explained...mysteries, mysteries!

Speaking of mysteries, I'm curious how Ginny healed herself. Maybe it was her own magic instinctively working to protect her? Or could it even be related to her ka? (Lol, I think TVtropes calls this "wild mass guessing").

I'm so looking forward to Ginny explaining how a children's card game is actually Serious Business, heheh. Anyway, great work!
Serendipital chapter 9 . 8/2/2012
And the drama unfolds. The scene with Bakura was genuinely creepy, and the scene with Ryou and Marik was amazing. There's not much else I can say! This was just a great chapter, all around. Good luck on the next one!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/31/2012
This chapter is wonderful :)
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