Reviews for Doctor Who: Equestria needs a Doctor
LM-Productions chapter 7 . 12/22/2017
WTF just happened?! WHY CELESTIA WHY
LM-Productions chapter 1 . 12/6/2017
acsabergryphon chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
You know what this is going to be my fourth time reading this
Guest chapter 3 . 4/26/2015
Haha Doctor, Doctor... never doubt the power of Pinkie Pie... ;p
Very good story so far, nice work.
Greatazuredragon chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
Very good intro, nice work.
skarosianlifeform chapter 7 . 4/26/2014
Basically, Lyra is the Equestrian Daniel Jackson. Awesome idea.
Aevus chapter 17 . 9/28/2013
Fup... Carnage Moon is alive...
Guest chapter 16 . 9/16/2013
StarlightWhovian chapter 16 . 9/14/2013
This is brilliant! I love this story, and I hope that it will continue on with the Timepony Doctor's travels! I normally pair Doctor and Ditzy, but this is to amazing. A!
Aevus chapter 15 . 9/10/2013
I like the ending of this chapter...
Guest chapter 15 . 9/8/2013
"Well . . . This is new."
Galaxy Knight chapter 15 . 9/8/2013
Sweet Jesus, I thought the story would be over after the defeat of the master but I'm happy to see I'm wrong. Excellent job.
JelloSamurai chapter 13 . 9/3/2013
Yep. I was right.
The Orwellian Writer chapter 13 . 9/3/2013
It seems odd that the Doctor had this epiphany about needing a companion and doing things he shouldn't shortl before the Waters of Mars
StarlightWhovian chapter 13 . 9/2/2013
Sixth to last paragraph: you slip into first person as the Doctor. Slight grammar mistake, but a wonderful chapter! Also, why is the Master quoting Greek mythology (which was spelled wrong)...?
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