Reviews for Yu Gi Oh: KARAOKE!
DarkspiritYami chapter 13 . 7/15/2012
OMM! (oh my MA'at! ) that was hilarious! I have just read all of the chapters and loved it loled so hard! And good idea getting the flame swordsman to help out with flames

flameswordsman: MY NAME IS FRANK!

Me: Flameswordsman everybody!

would you do tea or yugi singing "don't you want me" by the human league or singing milkshake by kelis
Keep up the deadly work
Dark Wolf on a full Blood chapter 14 . 4/15/2006
Hee hee! Funny! This is great! Update soon!
mel-and yami chapter 1 . 1/26/2005
WAY TO GO YAMI! I LOVE YOU YAMI! I always thought that Yami would have a beautiful siging voice. I just hopes he sings in the T.V. show! That would be awesome!
Noxanlux chapter 1 . 12/25/2004
Yugi singing...I am traumatized. At least you didn't make Bakura sing 'Toxic'. *Shivers at the sheer thought* A word of advice; Believe in the power of Santa or get nothing! Mwahahaha!
teasminitwin chapter 14 . 9/5/2004

i sang 2 the pokemon songs from the cd- i have it-(2 me-i sounded like the singers a little bit...) -BUT ANYWAY_ i loved it -MAKE MORE PLESE
Blaquerose chapter 6 . 2/19/2004
Okay, Reasons I like this chapter! TWICE!
One: IN THE SONG RYOU SAID MY NAME! (Destiny) Then again thats normal in most cases seeing as how my name is a word...but whatever! Ryou said my name!
two: At this point I'd like to shout I'LL CARE FOR YOU RYOU! Heehee...
Three: I just love that you made Ryou sing. RYOU IS SUCH A HOTTIE-HOT-HOT! Next to Kura-kun of course! YES! I call Bakura Kura-kun!
Ja ne!
setoobsessive chapter 14 . 11/14/2003
Ok...I loved this! SETO AND YAMI! but when you really want to make it depressing, make Seto sing Eminem's Halie's song. Instead say Mokuba instead of Halie though, and TADA! The right way to bring down the mood!
Miss Howards' Body Guard chapter 11 . 11/5/2003
As you may know Miss Howard has already emailed you about Yami singing a Good Charlotte song, personaly I agree. Make sure Yami Bakura is in it,plenty. (I am a HUGE fan of his)
Miss Howard lover of Yami chapter 1 . 11/5/2003
I've got an idea. I know that you said that you liked oldies, but how 'bout next time Yami sings a. . . (drumroll please). . . GOOD CHARLOTTE SONG! (edited, of course)It would be so cute! Yami kinda is a punk ya know. Good luck in your future fics! Glomp Yami for me?
Phat Katt chapter 14 . 9/11/2003
Hey Macavity, luvin the chapter, randomness rocks. So, whats up, kool, **notices her sister staring at Ryou on t.v.** **grumbles: baka beener** U don't ask what a beener is, lets just say, its, a


NO! well, yeah... U

lol, update!

(-_-) Phat Katt

oh, btw, do u have AOL Messenger, or even MSN messenger?
Im Evil chapter 14 . 9/9/2003
!{Makes Chibbi Eyes of DOOM}
Im Evil chapter 14 . 9/9/2003
!{Makes Chibbi Eyes of DOOM}
Im Evil chapter 3 . 9/9/2003
That was slightly bizzare. But I liked it. I want them to do a duet.
Cettie-girl chapter 14 . 9/3/2003
Yay! An update!

I think that Yami's had a bit too much sugar... at least he's enjoying himself though.

Go Bastet! And no... no one can ever replace you Macavity! Still... she would make for an interesting guest... sorta like the everlasting cat making a visit... or who knows? She could *be* the everlasting cats, since ancient Egypt is mentioned in Jellicle songs for Jellicle Cats... *heh*

I can't wait to see more... I love your karaoke party style!
KeoriMonsuki chapter 14 . 8/22/2003
Hey Macavity! Long time, no review!

Sorry, I've been in the midst of moving so I'm just as erratic


Keori: Shut up pin head... .

Anywho... I really liked these new chapters, as always you did a bang up job ! Well, I gotsa go cuz my friend won't let me stay any longer...


Sabeth: All too true...

Keori: You know, I can replace you two... .U


~Your Fan, no matter how erratic you are, Keori Monsuki~ (lol)
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