Reviews for Learning
Kittona chapter 1 . 9/11/2018
aww that was super cute!
gaap237 chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
Gah! I love them so much! Wonderful story!
Kokoroyume chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
Nice story ;)
Very Sincerely Yours chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
This was very well written, and adorably sweet. It'll be in the back if my mind whenever I rewatch the movie, so that I can automatically flick to an alternate ending and let my feels run wild. The mixture of hurt and pain, and those sweet soothing moments is exactly what I wanted, and wrapped up very nicely. Well done. :D
GreyNimue chapter 1 . 3/27/2013
YAY! Now I am happy.
Aemyra chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Was this cute? Oh, yes, yes it was _ I was looking for a 'beach incident fic' and this was just too adorable. I loved it!
YaoiReaderGalor chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
love it! So sweet! I was actually tempted to write a story like this, but I see you've beat me to it!
Crazyitachi-la-malade-de-Shaka chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
I loved it!
Was nice and sweet, I like this kind of one-shot And it's less sad than the end of the movie...
Good job and thanks anyway!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
Mmm, this is good :)
Animecherryblossem33 chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Loved lOved loved this fic 3 It was perfect just wonderfully cute and sweet and beautiful :D brilliant writing! :)
Missy the Least chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
HA! I forgot that you wrote the Tenn. vacation fic (another fine example of good writing) and I am so pleased that you brought them back home, with Erik to stay. You write them both really well, and it is aways satisfying to read any tale you care to tell.

Congrats on another fine effort.

Love Mommy
zararem2122 chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Brilliant! I really love this one-shot well done
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2012