Reviews for Adapting To New Circumstances
PGHammer chapter 1 . 7/18
I just caught up on the episodes I missed of the aborted season five (thanks to Peacock); they have also started a writing bug; in this case for two different episodes - one where Jack and Alli wind up in Washington, working for a DOD research laboratory. (While DOD may have shut down Eureka, they wouldn't be stoopid enough to throw away their best brains; instead, they chose to spread them around to their various research facilities.) Another has a civilian foundation purchasing GD and taking it *private*. (This story was inspired by Degree Clinical Protection/Absolute Protection from Product Placement. The "what led to ME thinking of it" was that I actually tried it because I was looking for an antiperspirant that I could rely on - and Clinical Protection was the sole candidate that cut the ketchup; in fact, I STILL use it today. (Yes; the product still exists - and is still available - both in stores (such as Dollar General), and even via Amazon - which is how I got my most recent three-pack. Score for Product Placement.) Naturally, nobody moves, except the military sorts; in fact, Carter gets another promotion out of it (number two United States Marshal for the state Eureka is located in; remember, Carter was pilfered from the USMS in the first place to become town sheriff of Eureka. Alli shifts from DOD liason to FDA liason, and Jo remains head of security for all of GD. In addition to keeping the marked Wagoneers, the Eureka Sheriff's Department (now the Eureka Police Department) gets a half-dozen WRX STis of each sort (marked AND unmarked) - seems SOMEONE read the memo Jo sent while she was still Carter's deputy and realized it made sense. Actually, I've seen stranger marked patrol cars than a WRX STi would be - Falls Church (VA) Police Department uses Volvos. (Not kidding; I have seen them with my own eyeballs.)
tasheika.conley chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
It was pretty good.
jazphace chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Loved it! Great job ;-)
Sheri chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
I always love a Jack and Alli story, there are several spoilers pictures and the one with Jack hands on Allison stomach makes me think we will have a happy ending for them. I look foward to reading more stories.
hatondog chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Good job pulling together the bits and hints from the promo! Feeling a fair bit of sadness and anger over the end myself, without any current hormone surge to blame. :-)
lovepride chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
i love your story
YveofDawn chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Hi! Loved the story but I wanted to share some spoilers with everyone. So, SPOILER ALERT FOR JUST ANOTHER DAY...
I got this from an Q&A type thing from a guy who watches everything pre-airing and gives out minor spoilers, etc.

Question: Do you have a tidbit on the series finale of Eureka? —Eric
Ausiello: I’ll see your tidbit and raise you an 87-word review, courtesy of TVLine’s Matt Mitovich: “The finale is a real crowd-pleaser, featuring gobs of closure, a storyline moment that allows for a ‘clip reel’ which will make many an eye well up and appearances by all of the usual suspects (plus at least one good surprise). You’ll be subject to at least one fake-out, one dismemberment (sad face), the proffering of a ring box, one teeny-tiny secret revealed and a final twist that is 100-percent Eureka. Oh, and Felicia Day’s Holly reclaims and lays sole ownership in perpetuity to the word ‘adorkable.’”
I also know for a fact that Taggert and Grant are back, I know that Grant is back because of the eureka afterbuzz podcasts, and Taggert because of a photo on imdb. I also know from the pictures on imdb that Zane has a tingbox so I'm 99.9999999% sure he's the proposer. The afforementioned dismembered party is Andy, and he's fine, also shown in imdb pics. Oh and believe Jo accepts Zane's proposal because there is a pic of her and Zane smiling and drinking champagne. Yay for spoilers!
kira66 chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
I'm also sad that its ending and I have to admit that I'm looking forward to the series finale. I just hope its not a dud like so many others I've watched recently. It'd be disappointing to say the least.