Reviews for Relax
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
I hope your violent plot bunnies ALWAYS result in something this fun to read! :) Both sweet and sexy. Dave and Seb have such a great dynamic, and you understand them so well. You're wonderful. Thank you for feeding our Smythofsky addiction!
CosmicPudding chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
This was just lovely! I really enjoyed the ease and the tenderness throughout. a perfectly relaxing mood ;3
ImmaSmooshYou chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
HNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGHH. I want to live in your brain and watch stuff like this come together. And squeal and throw cups of confetti every time you start typing, just for extra encouragement. If you ever stop writing Sebofsky, I think I'll die.

On the less melodramatic side, though, this was such a wonderful combination of sexy and adorable. Married!Sebofsky is so perfect it hurts, and you write their dynamic so well.

rensei-chan chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Dave's such an adoring husband. I love how Dave didn't hold it against Seb that they'd had to cancel their plans at that restaurant. It's so easy to get angry but Dave knew and understood how frustrated Sebastian must've been and he was there every step of the way even going to the store to get that massage oil.

Really adored this one, I'm a sucker for married!Sebofsky but you just made this even better with your writing.

Looking forward to your next story! Hope the plot bunnies aren't too vicious *feeds the bunnies carrots* ... :)
lovely-sweety chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Poor Sebastian Fortunately Dave was here to make his day a lot better . This was a great story, congrats :))